
# Vacation

## Challenge:

My mom told me she went to this amazing brewing company in the Carribbean and when I asked her the name of the place, she sent me a picture of her ship. Can you help me find the name of this brewing company?

Flag format: `UMDCTF-{City_Companyname}`

Note: Companyname = first part of the company name


## Solution:

We see a cruise ship anchored at a tropical port and a business called “Rum Therapy”:

A quick search tells us this is a bar in Castries, the capital of Saint Lucia. If we pull up a map, we can see Antillia Brewing Company just across the street.

And that's our flag: `UMDCTF-{Castries_Antillia}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/mcmahoniel/ctf_write-ups/blob/main/2021/umdctf/osint/vacation/README.md).