I like to compile my kernels. And I like to do it the old way.
And I also like doing it 50x times because I forgot an option.
Can you get the flag ?
ssh -p 4822 ring0@ai.heroctf.fr
password : ring0_lol
Format : Hero{}
Authors : SoEasY & iHuggsy
First, we need to connect to the machine via ssh and run the machine with the custom kernel via ./run
Since this is a very minimal machine (not even a /lib folder), a share is mounted at /mnt/share
in order to share files with the target machine.
With a quick look, we find the file /BACKUP/syscall_64.tbl
, and we can see something interesting inside:
This is the list of the syscalls on the machine. Sys_hero seems to be a newly added syscall.
Therefore, we can make a simple program in C to call this custom system call.
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long ret = 0;
ret = syscall(442);
printf("ret: %ld\n", ret);
return 0;
We need to compile it in a static way since there is no /lib folder:
$ gcc syscall.c -o syscall -static
Then, we can test it on the target machine:
ring0@ai.heroctf.fr# ./run
root:/# cd /mnt/share
root:/mnt/share# ls
root:/mnt/share## chmod +x syscall
root:/mnt/share# ./syscall
ret: 0
The syscall returned 0, so there was no errors.
Let's check kernel logs:
# dmesg
[ 119.928808] Hero{0h_d4mn_y0u_4r2_th3_sysc4llm4st3r!!!}
Here is the flag!
Flag: Hero{0h_d4mn_y0u_4r2_th3_sysc4llm4st3r!!!}
Author: Ooggle