
[task file](files/forensics_oldest_trick.zip)

used tools:
- wireshark
- tshark
- [firefox_decrypt](https://github.com/unode/firefox_decrypt)

Look into packets for something interesting: first what we found is mixed case DNS answers and try DNS 0x20 decode to get something, but no fortune

All tcp sessions are TLS encrypted and no extra information found

Also we have a bunch od ICMP packets, let look into them.
we can see that all ICMP packets have data into them, request and reply have the same data

Let filter out needed packets
```ip.src == and icmp```

packet data:
![Packet data](files/packed_data.png)
We see text that looks like a zip archive header and data is multiple times duplicated
Let check zip signature '\x50\x4b\x03\x04' and it is fits perfectly.
let see other packets and find out that the data have the same format and offsets so lets extract that data
We will use tshark to get data from packets and then get data from specified offsets

to extract data use following command
```tshark -r older_trick.pcap -Y "ip.src == and icmp" -T fields -e data```

output should be like that
next we have to identify offset and data length to filter it out it could be done with ```cut -c```
but we will use perl to get data convert it from hex to binary format

Offset is 48 and length is 32

Full command to extract data is:
tshark -r older_trick.pcap -Y "ip.src == and icmp" -T fields -e data | perl -nle 'BEGIN{$s=""};$s.=pack("H*",substr($_,48,32));END{print $s}' > file.zip

So we got zip file ```file.zip``` and extract it to explore what we have inside

```file content
unzip file.zip
Archive: file.zip
extracting: fini/addons.json
inflating: fini/addonStartup.json.lz4
inflating: fini/broadcast-listeners.json
inflating: fini/cert9.db
inflating: fini/compatibility.ini
inflating: fini/containers.json
inflating: fini/content-prefs.sqlite
inflating: fini/cookies.sqlite
inflating: fini/cookies.sqlite-shm
inflating: fini/cookies.sqlite-wal
inflating: fini/extension-preferences.json
inflating: fini/extensions.json
inflating: fini/favicons.sqlite
inflating: fini/favicons.sqlite-shm
inflating: fini/favicons.sqlite-wal
inflating: fini/formhistory.sqlite
inflating: fini/handlers.json
inflating: fini/key4.db
inflating: fini/logins.json
inflating: fini/permissions.sqlite
inflating: fini/pkcs11.txt
inflating: fini/places.sqlite
inflating: fini/places.sqlite-shm
inflating: fini/places.sqlite-wal
inflating: fini/prefs.js
inflating: fini/protections.sqlite
inflating: fini/search.json.mozlz4
inflating: fini/sessionCheckpoints.json
extracting: fini/shield-preference-experiments.json
inflating: fini/SiteSecurityServiceState.txt
inflating: fini/storage.sqlite
inflating: fini/times.json
inflating: fini/webappsstore.sqlite
inflating: fini/webappsstore.sqlite-shm
inflating: fini/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
inflating: fini/xulstore.json
Content of archive looks like mozilla firefox profile, so we checked files for plaintext flag but no luck

We have key4.db file and try to extract information using firefox_decrypt tool

```extract data from key4.db
python3 ./firefox_decrypt.py <path_to_profile_directory>
2021-04-21 01:44:54,018 - WARNING - profile.ini not found in <path_to_profile_directory>
2021-04-21 01:44:54,018 - WARNING - Continuing and assuming '<path_to_profile_directory>' is a profile location

Website: https://rabbitmq.makelarid.es
Username: 'Frank_B'
Password: 'CHTB{long_time_no_s33_icmp}'

We got the flag CHTB{long_time_no_s33_icmp}

Original writeup (https://github.com/EvilBunnyWrote/Write-ups/blob/main/Cyber-Apocalypse-2021/forensics/oldest_trick_in_the_book/README.md).