Tags: search-engine osint 


The key point of the description is that, this guy should satisfy both these two conditions:

  • Assistant Professor for the Computer Science department
  • Associate Professor for the Mathematics department

Sure enough, this guy should be in UCSD, so we need to use site: in search engine grammar to restrict our search.

At last the keyword for search engine is:

site:ucsd.edu intext:Assistant Professor Computer Science + Associate Professor Mathematics

We use this to search and browse our searching result, and find something interesting in 7th result:


In the faculty table, there is a guy:

  • Daniel Kane
    • Associate Professor
    • Associate Professor of Computer Science

And we can determine that this one is what we need to find. I have to say, this guy has two titles, which is REALLY talented!

One step ahead, this guy was born in 1989, and won IMO gold medals two times in 2002 and 2003 representing the USA, which is REALLY REALLY amazing...

Therefore, the flag is:

Daniel Kane