
Identifications (125 Points)


Hey man. I'm standing in front of this Verizon central office building. What's its CLLI code?

What? No, I don't know where I am, my GPS is broken. I tried to connect to some Wi-Fi so I could download a map or something, but I don't know the password to any of these networks.

identifications.7z: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YkzVIwbNKWKG4I0K8F_J8DCC9mqBn2ET/view?usp=sharing

Once you figure out the CLLI code, make sure to wrap it in DawgCTF{}.


Firstly, let me start by saying this was my favourite challenge of the DawgCTF. I felt like I was playing an elaborate game of GeoGuessr.

We're given two images from the get-go. One was the front of a Verizon building, and the other was a list of nearby WiFi Networks.

I saw networks like Dunkin' Donuts Guest but I wasn't bothered focusing on this - How many Dunkin Donuts are there in the U.S? (8500 apparently) I picked some niche ones like DrCappuccino and katanasushi and I looked them up on Google Maps.

There were only two results for Dr Cappuccino and one of them was in Maryland so it made sense to look at this one. Look at that! Right across the road is Katana Sushi.

I hopped into Street View because I couldn't see any Verizon references on the map.

There it is, in all its glory, the Verizon building from the given image! I went back to Maps, clicked the building, noted its address 1305 S Main St, Mt Airy, MD 21771, USA.

I'm not from America, I haven't got a clue what a CLLI code is, so it took a lot of random Googling of CLLI Lookups to stumble upon Telcodata and more particularly, their section for Switch Listings by ZIP Code. I searched the ZIP Code from the address on Maps (21771).

Our address from Google Maps mentioned Main Street Mount Airy, so I took the CLLI MTARMDMARS1 and hoped for the best. Boom! It worked! Nice.


Original writeup (https://github.com/cieran/writeups/blob/main/DawgCTF/misc/Identifications.md).