Tags: crypto
It seems that my problems with hashing just keep multiplying...<br> nc umbccd.io 3100<br> Author: RJ
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Hash constants
A = 340282366920938460843936948965011886881
B = 127605873542257115442148455720344860097
# Hash function
def H(val, prev_hash, hash_num):
return (prev_hash * pow(val + hash_num, B, A) % A)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Print welcome message
print("Welcome to TrashChain!")
print("In this challenge, you will enter two sequences of integers which are used to compute two hashes. If the two hashes match, you get the flag!")
print(" - Integers must be greater than 1.")
print(" - Chain 2 must be at least 3 integers longer than chain 1")
print(" - All integers in chain 1 must be less than the smallest element in chain 2")
print("Type \"done\" when you are finished inputting numbers for each chain.")
# Get inputs
chains = [[], []]
for chain_num in range(len(chains)):
print("\nProvide inputs for chain {}.".format(chain_num+1))
while True:
val = input("> ")
if val == "done":
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input, exiting...")
if val <= 1:
print("Inputs must be greater than 1, exiting...")
# Validate chain lengths
if not len(chains[0]):
print("Chain 1 cannot be empty, exiting...")
if len(chains[1]) - len(chains[0]) < 3:
print("Chain 2 must contain at least 3 more integers than chain 1, exiting...")
if max(chains[0]) >= min(chains[1]):
print("No integer in chain 1 can be greater than the smallest integer in chain 2, exiting...")
# Compute hashes
hashes = []
for chain_num in range(len(chains)):
cur_hash = 1
for i, val in enumerate(chains[chain_num]):
cur_hash = H(val, cur_hash, i+1)
# Print hashes
print("Hash for chain 1: {0:0{1}x}".format(hashes[0], 32))
print("Hash for chain 2: {0:0{1}x}".format(hashes[1], 32))
if hashes[0] == hashes[1]:
print("Correct! Here's your flag: DogeCTF{not_a_real_flag}")
On going through the code, it can be realised that this is a sort of block chain cipher, in which the ciphertext of the previous block is affecting the plaintext of the present block while the hashing takes place.
So for our convenience, let's consider the no. of elements in Chain 1
to be 1 and in Chain 2
to be 4.
c1 = 1 * ((chain2[0] + 1) ** B) % A<br> c2 = c1 * ((chain2[1] + 2) ** B) % A<br> c3 = c2 * ((chain2[2] + 3) ** B) % A<br> hashes[1] = c3 * ((chain2[3] + 4) ** B) % A<br>
If somehow we can bring the value of ((chain2[i] + (i + 1)) ** B) % A
down to 1 at every step, we can obtain the values of c1, c2 and c3 to be 1 and therefore the final hash can be predictable.
Now there's a property of modulus
, <br>
if a % b = c, then (a ** n ) % b = (c ** n) % b <br>
or in other words, ((n * a + 1) ** b) % a is always 1
Therefore we take the array as:<br>
chain1 = [A - 1]
chain2 = [2A, 2A - 1, 2A - 2, 2A - 4]
So that hashes[0] = hashes[1] = 0
└─$ nc umbccd.io 3100 1 ⨯
Welcome to TrashChain!
In this challenge, you will enter two sequences of integers which are used to compute two hashes. If the two hashes match, you get the flag!
- Integers must be greater than 1.
- Chain 2 must be at least 3 integers longer than chain 1
- All integers in chain 1 must be less than the smallest element in chain 2
Type "done" when you are finished inputting numbers for each chain.
Provide inputs for chain 1.
> 340282366920938460843936948965011886880
> done
Provide inputs for chain 2.
> 680564733841876921687873897930023773762
> 680564733841876921687873897930023773761
> 680564733841876921687873897930023773760
> 680564733841876921687873897930023773758
> done
Hash for chain 1: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Hash for chain 2: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Correct! Here's your flag: DawgCTF{We1rd_RSA_2nd_Pre1m4g3_th1ng}
The flag is DawgCTF{We1rd_RSA_2nd_Pre1m4g3_th1ng}