Tags: sstv 


## Extraterrestrial Communication (200 pts)(misc_mp3/Audio_Analysis)
Aliens have recently landed on the moon and are attempting to communicate with us. Can you figure out what they are trying to tell us?
audio file: https://dctf.dragonsec.si/files/3e7843af95192bfa26efbd783446e724/A_message_from_outer_space.mp3
## Solution:

As the chall said the audio might be SSTV.

So i used QSSTV initially but it didn't work well do i shifted to Robot36.

There is an app in playstore for Robot36 :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xdsopl.robot36&hl=en_IN&gl=US.
I played the audio given and got an image.


it's not so clear so tried again and ended up with



Original writeup (https://github.com/victim1307/CTF/blob/main/DCTF2021/extraterrestrial.md).