Tags: forensics stego 

Rating: 5.0

# Matryoshka Doll


- Download the file given.


- Trying `binwalk` carves out many files.
- But it `recursively` gives images and each time we have to `carve` it out seperately.
- So we shall use the `binwalk` `recursive` `carving` command.

binwalk -e -M <filename> # ( -M = Recursive )

binwalk -e -M dolls.jpg



- It gives `_dolls.jpg.extracted\base_images\_2_c.jpg.extracted\base_images\_3_c.jpg.extracted\base_images\_4_c.jpg.extracted` these directories.
- In the final directory we shall find the `flag.txt` which contains the `flag`.

Flag --> picoCTF{96fac089316e094d41ea046900197662}

Original writeup (https://github.com/a3X3k/Bi0s/tree/master/CTFs/Pico21/Matryoshka%20Doll).