
# Description:


We are given source code with the Dockerfile.


# Code Review:


Snipped code from: index.php (Only PHP Part !)



So in the 7th line we have an eval inside a function `do_calcs` that has been called in the line 17 !
But first we have to check the 4th line where we have the regex pattern so our php code must be inside `{{PHP EVAL CODE}}`

# Solution:

If we tries to send something like `200,{{phpinfo()}}` its going to be executed !


But what I noticed is disable functions


For such situations I always use Chankro => https://github.com/TarlogicSecurity/Chankro

First Let's build our payload:

python2 chankro.py --arch 64 --input shell.sh --path /var/www/html --output exploit.txt

The shell.sh content:

/readflag > /var/www/html/flag.txt

Great! Now let's start a webserver using PHP or Python and move our exploit.txt to it and go directly to exploitation ...


After that we can browser the file

And will get easily our

Original writeup (https://github.com/ab2pentest/ctfwriteups/blob/main/Pwn2Win/CmonSeemyVulns.md).