Tags: jwt lfi 

Rating: 5.0

[All WriteUps for this CTF here](https://github.com/ipv6-feet-under/WriteUps-S.H.E.L.L.CTF21): https://github.com/ipv6-feet-under/WriteUps-S.H.E.L.L.CTF21

# Fun with Tokens

Visiting the provided website we see some interesting thing:
There are two links:

And comments in the Source:


Admin names sounds interesting so let's check that first:

There is actually a redirect to a getFile.php interesting.
Opening in a browser provides us a list with admin names:


This already looks a lot like there might be LFI possible. We have the hint that there is some secret in the environment so let's try to pull the .env file using the getFile.php:
No such file or directory: /app/public/.env

Okay but maybe in the /app directory?

Sweet! Unfortunately this is not our flag so we have to search further. Let's have at /admin as the hint said that's where the fun is supposed to be.
{"success":false,"message":"Maybe send the token via Headers ... for Authorization?"}

This is some kind of API but we are not authorized. It seems like we need a token, we already have a secret_key which is used to sign tokens so this will propably be our attack vector.
We don't have any cookies/tokens yet so let's check our /login page.

Sending `test:test` in the form of the /login page responses with a token in the header:

Let's decrypt it using https://jwt.io

We can see username and password, however they are not what we sent.. `test` got translated to `grfg`. Let's send the alphabet to get the subsitution alphabet:


We are now able to translate our username and password propably, also we notice that it says `false` inside the admin parameter.
Let's craft our new token using everything we have so far:
username: qva_qwneva11 (din_djarin11 translated using our subsitution alphabet)
password: empty we don't have one yet
admin: gehr (translation of true)
signature key: G00D_s0ld13rs_k33p_s3cret5

It should look like this:

Let's send that token to /admin as our authorization header:

Translating this with our subsitutin alphabet or sending it as a username and read that token gives us the flag:

Original writeup (https://github.com/ipv6-feet-under/WriteUps-S.H.E.L.L.CTF21/tree/main/Web%20Security/Fun%20with%20Tokens).