
We have top secret confidential information from the secret service that there is going to be an all out cyber attack against a country in the future. Long Live our spy who died in between the transmission.

The FBI have found that the following tools will be used in attack on the country.Use this GitHub repo as a starting point for your investigation [https://github.com/norias-teind/tools](https://github.com/norias-teind/tools)
All we ask from you is Country Of Origin of Attacker
e.g. SHELL{Country}

1) this time we need the Country
2) We know our hacker loves annagrams. turns out the word bank used to create his names is an annagram also. [searching his name on this website and cycling through languages i found the only exact match was french](http://www.sensagent.com/en/anagrams-dictionary/search-anagrams.jsp?w=noriasteind&x=29&y=11&tl=fr&e=UTF-8&dl=en)
3) Additionally the wordpress website URL makes a reference to Marie Antoinette another french person
4) **flag: SHELL{France}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/ivanchubb/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/2021/S.H.E.L.L.%20CTF/Cyber%20Attack%202.md).