
# ????????? (runescape)
**Category:** crypto

**Clue 1 :- Try finding the possible location of the flag in the given document.**

**Clue 2 :- Try replacing the possible chars. (%s/?/b/g)**

## Description :
Here's some enciphered text. Find the flag.

## Solution :
Replace the possible chars like.

??????{...} --> bcactf{...}

Replace the known prepositions like *of*, *is*, *for*, etc.,

We can even identify a link to wikipedia which helps us to get some more details regarding the document.

After replacing all the 26 chars we can see the complete document.

Finally, we can get the flag.
??????{?????_??_???_???_??_?????_???????} ---> bcactf{sorry_we_ran_out_of_runes_sjrhwbg}

Note:- Notice that the final document doesn't have any captial letters and numbers & special chars stayed same.

# Flag :

Original writeup (https://github.com/kalyancheerla/writeups/tree/main/2021/bcactf2.0/runescape).