Gerald's homework is getting trickier. He isn't being given the primes anymore. Help him find the plaintext!
Author: akth3n3rd
Same as Easy RSA, but have to work out p, q, from n. Just used factordb to do the factoring...
p: 884666943491340899394244376743
q: 1070864180718820651198166458463
e: 65537
ct (as hex): 8159e4e97b04af127fed8fbd40bd03c80c3f4b8b764a86394c
n: 834418746183915656610879248898026819357498357797104542136881
pt (as hex): 6263616374667b7273615f666163746f72696e677d
pt (as string): bcactf{rsa_factoring}
Flag: bcactf{rsa_factoring}