Tags: reverse engineering network 


title: "Write-up - Sunshine CTF 2016 - Randy"
date: 2016-03-14 00:00:00
tags: [Write-up, Sunshine CTF 2016]
summary: "Write-up about Sunshine CTF 2016 - Randy"

In this challenge, we have a binary file and we need to connect over the network using Netcat. After a program analysis on the binary file, we can see that we need to create a code that will retrieve the random value which is produced. We will finally receive the flag.

import telnetlib
import struct

x = lambda a: struct.pack('I', a)

def fukmin(x):
return hex((int(x, 16) - 0x41) & 0xff)

host = ""
port = "9002"

s = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port)

welcome = s.read_until(b"\n")
(a, b, c, d) = (welcome[41:42].encode("hex"),

debuginfo = a + b + c + d
print "debuginfo = 0x" + debuginfo
print " - - - - - "

magic = fukmin(a) +\
print "magic = " + magic
print " - - - - - "

s.write(x(int(magic, 16)))
print s.read_all()

We will have the following message:

debuginfo = 0x6ba9580a
- - - - -
magic = 0x2a6817c9
- - - - -
We've dealt you your hand face down, please enter it:
You guessed that hand perfectly! Here's your prize: sun{c4rds_in_th3_tr4p}

''' BONUS:
<encoding function>
0x8048608 <main+120>: sar ecx,0x18
0x804860b <main+123>: and ecx,0xff
0x8048611 <main+129>: add ecx,eax
0x8048625 <main+149>: sar ecx,0x10
0x8048628 <main+152>: and ecx,0xff
0x804862e <main+158>: add ecx,eax
0x8048642 <main+178>: sar ecx,0x8
0x8048645 <main+181>: and ecx,0xff
0x804864b <main+187>: add ecx,eax
0x804865f <main+207>: and ecx,0xff
0x8048665 <main+213>: add ecx,eax

We can try to _decrypt_ it by using this snippet of code:

def saradd(e):
a=hex((((e >> 0x18) & 0xff) + 0x41 ) & 0xff)
b=hex((((e >> 0x10) & 0xff) + 0x41 ) & 0xff)
c=hex((((e >> 0x8) & 0xff) + 0x41 ) & 0xff)
d=hex((e & 0xff) + 0x41)
return a + b[2:] + c[2:] + d[2:]

The flag to solve this challenge is `sun{c4rds_in_th3_tr4p}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/d0tslashpwn/write-ups/blob/master/Sunshine-CTF-2016/write-ups/randy.md).