Tags: reverse engineering network 


title: "Write-up - Sunshine CTF 2016 - Dance"
date: 2016-03-14 00:00:00
tags: [Write-up, Sunshine CTF 2016]
summary: "Write-up about Sunshine CTF 2016 - Dance"

In this challenge, we have a binary file and we need to connect to an IP using Netcat; `nc 9001`. We have then the following message:

welcome to the pro club. you just paid a door fee and have no respect. earn ur cred on the dancefloor!
give us ur sick dance moves like so:

do the whip!
_/¯ ¯\_
do the naenae
_/¯ ¯\_
do the whip!
_/¯ ¯\_
do the naenae
_/¯ ¯\_
do the whip!
_/¯ ¯\_

cool dance! come again!

After performing a quick program analysis, we can see that we can perform a [buffer overflow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_buffer_overflow). We will use the following Python code to solve this challenge:

import telnetlib
import struct

x = lambda a: struct.pack('I', a)
host = ""
port = "9001"

c = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port)
print c.read_until("<ENTER>")
print c.read_all()

We will have then the following message which is the `main()` function of the binary file we have decompiled.

welcome to the pro club. you just paid a door fee and have no respect. earn ur cred on the dancefloor!
give us ur sick dance moves like so:
girl u can dance w the best of em. the pw to our vip lounge is: sun{d4nc3_0n_th3_s7ack}
cool dance! come again!

''' BONUS:
int main() {
memset(input, 0x0, 0x50);
printf("welcome to the pro club.");
fgets(input, 0x59, stdin);
while (strlen(input) > 0x0) {
if (sign_extend_32(*(int8_t *)input) == 0x77) {
input = input + 0x5;
else {
if (sign_extend_32(*(int8_t *)input) == 0x6e) {
input = input + 0x7;
else {
input = input + 0x1;
if (0x12adaac9 == 0x12adaac9) {
if (0x0 != 0x0) {
printf("FLAG FLAG FLAG\n");
else {
printf("those dance moves are some dark artsz kid\n");
printf("\ncool dance! come again!\n");
return 0x0;

The flag to solve this challenge is `sun{d4nc3_0n_th3_s7ack}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/d0tslashpwn/write-ups/blob/master/Sunshine-CTF-2016/write-ups/dance.md).