Tags: cloud aws 


# Writeup for TEASER: Locked out

Checkout the original writeup with relevant images included

## Task 1 - Obtaining external access keys (25 points)

1. By launch the only given URL, and you will see a public content available on the listing, ie. _external-spaceship-storage.txt_
2. Launch the URL <https://external-spaceship-storage-b38e8c6.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/external-spaceship-storage.txt> to download this text file
3. In this text file, you are able to find the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and the first flag

## Task 2 - Checking your internal storage (25 points)

1. Download [awscli](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) and launch the command `aws configure`, to authenticate by providing those information mentioned above
2. Command `aws s3 ls` lists all the directories on the corresponding authorized S3 bucket, and you will see a private directory that wasn't found on step 1. You should be able to find a file in it, which contain the 2nd flag
3. Command `aws s3 cp <source> <target>` allows you to download/copy the file from S3 bucket (requires prefix s3://FULL_PATH) to local machine

## Flags

1. CTF{6c2c45330a85b126f551}
2. CTF{4ababede5580d9a22a2a}

## References

- <https://medium.com/@shamnad.p.s/how-to-create-an-s3-bucket-and-aws-access-key-id-and-secret-access-key-for-accessing-it-5653b6e54337>
- <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-services-s3-commands.html>

Original writeup (https://github.com/GohEeEn/CTFs-Write-Up/tree/main/HackyHoliday2021/cloud/Locked_out).