Tags: jar java reversing 


# Write Up for BowShock

Checkout the original writeup with relevant image attached

## Task 1 - BowShock

1. Download [jd-gui](http://java-decompiler.github.io) which is one of the best Java decompiler for beginners.
2. By opening/decompiling the JAR file with jd-gui, it allows us to view the source code of the given JAR file easily, and our target is the only `BowShock.class`
3. Referring to the `main` method, it shows the requirement of int input with value 333, 942 and 142, in strict ordering to survive the BowShock game
4. Since `int totalInput = 333 + 942 + 42 = 1417`, thus we can get the final flag even without running the JAR file. Otherwise, we can also run this JAR program with command `java -jar <JAR_FULL_FILENAME>`, and enter those 3 integers in the correct order.

## Flag

- CTF{bowsh0ckd_1417}

Original writeup (https://github.com/GohEeEn/CTFs-Write-Up/blob/main/HackyHoliday2021/reversing/BowShock/README.md).