Tags: api 


This is `api` challenge with no vulnerablity. May be `the purpose of this challenge is to understand the code`.

Challenge description--


Challenge url--



`1# Create user using post request to "/api/user/new-token" by adding header "Authorization: 0nlyL33tHax0rsAll0w3d"('0nlyL33tHax0rsAll0w3d' is in config.py')`


`2# Post request to "/api/user/nothing-here" with "Authorization: (Your user token)". Your will See '{"detail": "requests were the same :rooFrozen:"}'`


`3# Add one random header(such as 'X-Forward-For:') and request again "/api/user/nothing-here"`


`4# If you see '{"detail": "i'm being hacked :rooNobooli: :banhammer:"}', that mean you get 100 points. You can check by going to "/api/user/points"`


`5# Repeat doing this(3#) until you get 1000 points.`


`6# When you get 1000 points, go to "/api/admin/flag" and enjoy your flag. :)`


Flag: `ictf{b3aT_tH3_g@Me_???}`

Thank you for reading. :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

Original writeup (https://github.com/hmhlol/ctfs_writeups/tree/main/imaginary_ctf/Numhead).