v26 = [0]*39;
v26[0] = 77;
v26[1] = 185;
v26[2] = 77;
v26[3] = 11;
v26[4] = 212;
v26[5] = 102;
v26[6] = 227;
v26[7] = 41;
v26[8] = 184;
v26[9] = 77;
v26[10] = 223;
v26[11] = 102;
v26[12] = 184;
v26[13] = 77;
v26[14] = 14;
v26[15] = 196;
v26[16] = 223;
v26[17] = 212;
v26[18] = 20;
v26[19] = 59;
v26[20] = 223;
v26[21] = 102;
v26[22] = 44;
v26[23] = 20;
v26[24] = 71;
v26[25] = 223;
v26[26] = 183;
v26[27] = 184;
v26[28] = 183;
v26[29] = 223;
v26[30] = 71;
v26[31] = 77;
v26[32] = 164;
v26[33] = 223;
v26[34] = 50;
v26[35] = 184;
v26[36] = 234;
v26[37] = 245;
v26[38] = 146;
# copy the array with which our string is compared after the change
xor = [107, 240, 27, 171, 100, 107, 107, 250, 107, 107, 34, 237, 189, 90, 205, 160, 121, 104, 80, 253, 56]
plus = [117, -43, 99, 10, -115, -75, 22, 118, -38, -66, 69, -31, 11, -72, 10, -68, 12, 19, 4, 18, 59]
# copy the arrays of numbers through which each char is run.
for i in range(39):
for j in range(len(xor)):
v26[i] ^= xor[j]
v26[i] = (v26[i] - plus[j]) % 0x100 # so that there are no negative numbers, subtract modulo 256 (0x100)
print(''.join(map(chr, v26))) # uiuctf{y0u_f0unD_t43_fl4g_w0w_gud_j0b}