Tags: jail beginner php 



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## Description
i hate php


author: arxenix

## Tags
**Jail**, **PHP**, **Beginner**

## Attached files
- None

## Summary
Flag is found within the “flag.php” file on the website. (View Source)

## Flag

## Detailed solution
Connecting to their website, we can see this website is running PHP Version 7.4.3.

![Root](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Diplodongus/CTFs/main/UIUCTF2021/img/PHPFUCK/1-root.png?raw=true "Root of website given")

Furthermore, it is commented at the top that “Flag is inside ./flag.php”

When we try to navigate to /flag.php, we just see “No flag for you!”

![Flag.php](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Diplodongus/CTFs/main/UIUCTF2021/img/PHPFUCK/2-flag.php.png?raw=true "Flag.php page")

If we inspect the source of this page (**CTRL+U**), we are greeted with the flag.

![Final Flag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Diplodongus/CTFs/main/UIUCTF2021/img/PHPFUCK/3-flag.png?raw=true "Final Flag")

This was the easy version of phpfuck_fixed.

Original writeup (https://github.com/Diplodongus/CTFs/blob/main/UIUCTF2021/PHPFUCK.md).