Tags: uiuctf uiuctf2021 ctf osint rjcyber 


# Chaplin's PR Nightmare 8
Solved By: RJCyber

## Description:
Straightup doxx Charlie by finding the email he set all these accounts up with, and investigate it.

The inner content of this flag begins with "b0"

## How to "Capture the Flag":
Using the GitHub found in Chaplin's PR Nightmare 7, we can find Charlie's email by looking into the C3D-Official repository (https://github.com/charliechaplindev/C3D-Official).

By looking at the commit history of this repository (https://github.com/charliechaplindev/C3D-Official/commits?author=charliechaplindev&since=2021-07-01&until=2021-08-01), we can see that there is a deleted file called security.txt (https://github.com/charliechaplindev/C3D-Official/commit/ce81ede5ab18b6f4ca32ace4359c5570954dfc9b).

By loading the diff of this deleted file, we get Charlie's email ([email protected]). Then, by taking a closer look at the description, we see that we are supposed to doxx Charlie for the flag.

Then, we come up with this command (using his email): ```python3 ghunt.py email [email protected]```. We can see here that there is an image, which displays the flag.


# Flag:

Original writeup (https://github.com/RJCyber1/RJCyber-challenge-writeups-UIUCTF/blob/main/osint/Chaplin's%20PR%20Nightmare%208.md).