Tags: uiuctf uiuctf2021 ctf osint rjcyber 


# OSINT The Creator 2
Solved By: RJCyber

## Description:
I released another flag somewhere on one of my Twitter accounts. Can you find it?!

## How to "Capture the Flag":
The description says that the flag is on one of his Twitter accounts. If we take a look at the creator's (Thomas) infosec Twitter account (https://twitter.com/0xQuig), there is a link to his personal Twitter account (https://twitter.com/Thomas_Quig).

After a bit of searching, we come accross this Tweet, which contains the flag: https://twitter.com/Thomas_Quig/status/1382923763910578178.

# Flag:

Original writeup (https://github.com/RJCyber1/RJCyber-challenge-writeups-UIUCTF/blob/main/osint/OSINT%20The%20Creator%202.md).