
## Symbols
### Challenge
> Oh, my eyes, my eyes! People still can solve this kind of cryptography? Mathematicians should love this one!
![Symbols Challenge](/assets/images/cryptoctf-symbols.png)

### Solution

In this challenge, we are given an image of math symbols, from the first couple of symbols and the flag format, we can guess that the flag is the initials of these symbols in $\LaTeX$.

By using Mathpix Snip, a tool that can convert images into LaTeX for inline equations, we can get most of the symbols and get the flag.

\Cap \Cap \Theta \Finv \{ \Pi \ltimes \aleph y \_ \wp \infty \therefore \heartsuit \_ \Lsh \aleph \Theta \eth \Xi \}

\Cap \Cap \Theta \Finv \{ \Pi \ltimes \aleph y \_ \wp \infty \therefore \heartsuit \_ \Lsh \aleph \Theta \eth \Xi \}

##### Flag

Original writeup (https://blog.cryptohack.org/cryptoctf2021-easy#symbols).