
## Trunc

### Challenge
> I wish I could say more, but I don't want to!
> `nc 02.cr.yp.toc.tf 23010`
> [TRUNC.txz](https://cr.yp.toc.tf/tasks/TRUNC_dd1e2d91b790125fdfc7596f0076fa476446d2fb.txz)

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import sha256
import ecdsa
from flag import FLAG

E = ecdsa.SECP256k1
G, n = E.generator, E.order

cryptonym = b'Persian Gulf'

def keygen(n, G):
privkey = getRandomRange(1, n-1)
pubkey = privkey * G
return (pubkey, privkey)

def sign(msg, keypair):
nbit, dbit = 256, 25
pubkey, privkey = keypair
privkey_bytes = long_to_bytes(privkey)
x = int(sha256(privkey_bytes).hexdigest(), 16) % 2**dbit
while True:
k, l = [(getRandomNBitInteger(nbit) << dbit) + x for _ in '01']
u, v = (k * G).x(), (l * G).y()
if u + v > 0:
h = int(sha256(msg).hexdigest(), 16)
s = inverse(k, n) * (h * u - v * privkey) % n
return (int(u), int(v), int(s))

def verify(msg, pubkey, sig):
if any(x < 1 or x >= n for x in sig):
return False
u, v, s = sig
h = int(sha256(msg).hexdigest(), 16)
k, l = h * u * inverse(s, n), v * inverse(s, n)
X = (k * G + (n - l) * pubkey).x()
return (X - u) % n == 0

def die(*args):

def pr(*args):
s = " ".join(map(str, args))
sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")

def sc():
return sys.stdin.readline().strip()

def main():
border = "+"
pr(border, " hi all, welcome to the high secure elliptic curve signature oracle!", border)
pr(border, " Your mission is to sign the out cryptonym, try your best :) ", border)

keypair = keygen(n, G)
pubkey, privkey = keypair

while True:
pr("| Options: \n|\t[P]rint the pubkey \n|\t[S]ign \n|\t[V]erify \n|\t[Q]uit")
ans = sc().lower()
if ans == 'p':
pr("| pubkey =", pubkey.x(), pubkey.y())
elif ans == 's':
pr("| send your hex message to sign: ")
msg = sc()
msg = bytes.fromhex(msg)
die("| your message is not valid! Bye!!")
if msg == cryptonym:
die('| Kidding me? Bye')
msg = msg[:14]
sig = sign(msg, keypair)
pr("| sign =", sig)
elif ans == 'v':
pr("| send your hex message to verify: ")
msg = sc()
msg = bytes.fromhex(msg)
die("| your message is not valid! Bye!!")
pr("| send the signature separated with comma: ")
sig = sc()
sig = [int(s) for s in sig.split(',')]
die("| your signature is not valid! Bye!!")
if verify(msg, pubkey, sig):
if msg == cryptonym:
die("| Good job! Congrats, the flag is:", FLAG)
pr("| your message is verified!!")
die("| your signature is not valid! Bye!!")
elif ans == 'q':
die("Quitting ...")
die("Bye ...")

if __name__ == '__main__':

### Solution
Here we have a ECDSA-like signature scheme: nonces $k$ and $l$ are generated in such a way, that they always have their 25 LSBs dependent only on private key, thus always the same, then $u$ and $v$ are obtained as $x$-coordinates of $kG$ and $lG$ respectively, where $G$ is a generator on the curve `secp256k1`, then $h$ = `sha256(msg)` and $s \equiv k^{-1}(hu - vd) \mod n$ are computed, where $d$ is the private key and $n$ is the order of the curve. $(u, v, s)$ is a signature for $h$.

Verification works as follows: again, $h$ = `sha256(msg)` is computed, then $k \equiv hus^{-1} \mod n$ and $l \equiv vs^{-1} \mod n$ are computed, after that $X$ is derived as $x$-coordinate of $kG - lP$, where $P = G * d$ is the public key. Signature verifies iff $X \equiv u \mod n$.
During interaction with the service we can obtain the public key by sending `p`, sign any message (except `Persian Gulf`) by sending `s`, verify a signature for a message with `v`, and if the signature for `Persian Gulf` verifies, we are given the flag, and quit with `q`.

This is an unintended solution, which doesn't exploit odd nonce generation during signature creation.
If $h_1$ is a hash of some message $m$, and $h_2$ is the hash for `Persian Gulf`, we can write $h_2 \equiv m h_1 \mod n$, and if $(u_1, v_1, s_1)$ is a valid signature for $h_1$, then $(u_1, v_1m, s_1m)$ is a valid signature for $h_2$.

Proof: during verification of $h_1$ we have $k \equiv h_1u_1s_1^{-1} \mod n$ and $l \equiv v_1s_1^{-1} \mod n$. During verification of $h_2$ we have $k \equiv h_1mu_1(ms_1)^{-1} \equiv h_1mu_1m^{-1}s_1^{-1} \equiv h_1u_1s_1^{-1}\mod n$ and $l \equiv v_1m(s_1m)^{-1} \equiv v_1ms_1^{-1}m^{-1} \equiv v_1s_1^{-1}\mod n$, so $k, l$ are the same, thus $X$ is the same. And since $u$ is also the same, this signature will also verify.

#### Implementation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import remote
from ecdsa import SECP256k1
from hashlib import sha256

n = SECP256k1.order
m1 = b'lol' # any other message is fine
m2 = b'Persian Gulf'
h1 = int(sha256(m1).hexdigest(), 16)
h2 = int(sha256(m2).hexdigest(), 16)
m = h2 * pow(h1, -1, n) % n
r = remote("02.cr.yp.toc.tf", 23010)
for _ in range(9):
u1, v1, w1 = eval(r.recvline()[8:])
u2, v2, w2 = u1, v1 * m % n, w1 * m % n
for _ in range(5):
r.sendline(','.join(map(str, [u2, v2, w2])))
##### Flag


Original writeup (https://blog.cryptohack.org/cryptoctf2021-hard#trunc).