# The Challenge
We are given an implementation of a cipher they call `A3S`, and a `help.pdf` briefly explaining `A3S`. We are also given a single plaintext-ciphertext pair (`sus.` --> `b'\x06\x0f"\x02\x8e\xd1'`), and the encrypted flag.
`A3S` turns out to be a modified version of `AES`, but instead of working on bits, it works on _trits_ (base 3). This gives an idea of how one might approach this problem.
The files are in the [./chal](./chal) folder.
## Metadata
I participated in RARCTF with CTF.SG. Unfortunately I wasn't able to solve this challenge in time before the CTF ended, as I started this challenge with only a few hours left. Nevertheless, I loved this challenge too much to simply let it go so here we are.
## Vulnerability
# Encryption routine
def a3s(msg, key):
m = byt_to_int(msg)
k = byt_to_int(key)
m = up(int_to_tyt(m), W_SIZE ** 2, int_to_tyt(0)[0])[-1] # Fixed block size
k = int_to_tyt(k)
keys = expand(k) # tryte array
assert len(keys) == KEYLEN
ctt = T_xor(m, keys[0])
for r in range(1, len(keys) - 1):
ctt = sub_wrd(ctt) # SUB...
ctt = tuple([ctt[i] for i in SHIFT_ROWS]) # SHIFT...
ctt = mix_columns(ctt) # MIX...
ctt = T_xor(ctt, keys[r]) # ADD!
ctt = sub_wrd(ctt)
ctt = tuple([ctt[i] for i in SHIFT_ROWS])
ctt = T_xor(ctt, keys[-1]) # last key
ctt = tyt_to_int(ctt)
return int_to_byt(ctt)
Take a look at the encryption routine above. In `A3S.py` we see that it encrypts with **26** rounds of A3S. This immediately rules out common attacks like MITM or finding a differntial as the number of rounds you have to cut through is just insane. That's probably a cue to look at the `SBOX`. A cursory test shows that `SBOX[a] + SBOX[b] == SBOX[a+b]`:
sub_map = {} # x --> y, (xor(i1, i2) --> xor(o1,o2))
for a in range(3**3):
for b in range(3**3):
sa = SBOX[a]
sb = SBOX[b]
o = tuple(xor(x,y) for x,y in zip(int_to_tyt(sa)[0],int_to_tyt(sb)[0]))
i = tuple(xor(x,y) for x,y in zip(int_to_tyt(a)[0],int_to_tyt(b)[0]))
if i not in sub_map:
sub_map[i] = set()
print([len(i) for i in sub_map.values()])
# > [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
This means that `SBOX` is simply an affine transform! It's not that hard to then derive the exact transformation:
def sbox_affine(i:tuple):
"Substitutes a trit with SBOX"
return (
(0 + i[0]*1 + i[1]*2 + i[2]*1) % 3,
(2 + i[0]*0 + i[1]*1 + i[2]*2) % 3,
(0 + i[0]*2 + i[1]*1 + i[2]*0) % 3
This is significant as the other operations in `A3S`, namely `shift`, `mix` and `add`, are all linear operations. Normally, in `AES`, `SBOX` is an important factor providing non-linearity to `AES`. Having `SBOX` be an affine transform means that the **whole encryption is an affine transform of the plaintext**, which is really easy to analyse algebraically.
## But It's Worse
Let's look at the key schedule:
def expand(tyt):
words = tyt_to_wrd(tyt)
size = len(words)
rnum = size + 3
rcons = rcon(rnum * 3 // size)
for i in range(size, rnum * 3):
k = words[i - size]
l = words[i - 1]
if i % size == 0:
s = sub_wrd(rot_wrd(l))
k = T_xor(k, s)
k = (t_xor(k[0], rcons[i // size - 1]),) + k[1:]
k = T_xor(k, l)
words = words + (k,)
return up(down(words[:rnum * 3]), W_SIZE ** 2, int_to_tyt(0)[0])
This routine is used to expand a key into all the 28 round keys that are used in `a3s`. Just like in regular AES, the `sub_wrd` routine which uses the `SBOX`, would have made the key expansion non-linear and relatively harder to analyse. But as we have seen earlier, `SBOX` is affine! That means that the **key expansion is an affine transformation of the original key** as well!
What these both mean is that, from what we are given: `a3s(b"sus.") == b'\x06\x0f"\x02\x8e\xd1'`, we can represent `b'\x06\x0f"\x02\x8e\xd1'` as an affine transform of the original key, which, theoretically, makes solving for the original key very very easy.
## Representing the problem
The key is made of `75*3` trits, and so I create `75*3` variables in `GF(3)`:
F = GF(3)
FP = PolynomialRing(F, 'k', 25*3*3)
keyFP = FP.gens()
Now we _can_ reimplement `a3s` in our solve script, but I chose instead to simply use the `a3s.py` implementation the challenge author has so graciously provided us. I just have to modify certain functions to make it sage and `GF(3)` friendly. These are the functions I modified:
t_xor = lambda a,b: tuple(x+y for x,y in zip(a,b))
T_xor = lambda a,b: tuple(t_xor(i,j) for i,j in zip(a,b))
t_uxor = lambda a,b: tuple(x-y for x,y in zip(a,b))
T_uxor = lambda a,b: tuple(t_uxor(i,j) for i,j in zip(a,b))
def sbox_affine(i:tuple):
return (
(0 + i[0]*1 + i[1]*2 + i[2]*1),
(2 + i[0]*0 + i[1]*1 + i[2]*2),
(0 + i[0]*2 + i[1]*1 + i[2]*0)
def expand(tyt):
words = tyt_to_wrd(tyt)
size = len(words)
rnum = size + 3
rcons = rcon(rnum * 3 // size)
for i in range(size, rnum * 3):
k = words[i - size]
l = words[i - 1]
if i % size == 0:
s = tuple(sbox_affine(i) for i in rot_wrd(l))
k = T_xor(k, s)
k = (t_xor(k[0], rcons[i // size - 1]),) + k[1:]
k = T_xor(k, l)
words = words + (k,)
return up(down(words[:rnum * 3]), W_SIZE ** 2, int_to_tyt(0)[0])
def tri_mulmod(A, B, mod=POLY):
c = [0] * (len(mod) - 1)
for a in A[::-1]:
c = [0] + c
x = tuple(b * a for b in B)
c[:len(x)] = t_xor(c, x)
n = -c[-1]*mod[-1]
c[:] = [x+y*n for x,y in zip(c,mod)]
return tuple(c)
def tyt_mulmod(A, B, mod=POLY2, mod2=POLY):
fil = [(0,) * T_SIZE]
C = fil * (len(mod) - 1)
for a in A[::-1]:
C = fil + C
x = tuple(tri_mulmod(b, a, mod2) for b in B)
C[:len(x)] = T_xor(C, x)
num = modinv(mod[-1], mod2)
num2 = tri_mulmod(num, C[-1], mod2)
x = tuple(tri_mulmod(m, num2, mod2) for m in mod)
C[:len(x)] = T_uxor(C, x)
return C
def add(a,b):
return tuple(
tuple(x+y for x,y in zip(i,j)) for i,j in zip(a,b)
def sub(a):
return tuple(
sbox_affine(x) for x in a
def shift(a):
return [
a[i] for i in SHIFT_ROWS
def mix(tyt):
tyt = list(tyt)
for i in range(W_SIZE):
tyt[i::W_SIZE] = tyt_mulmod(tyt[i::W_SIZE], CONS)
return tuple(tyt)
Now we can simply expand the key and encrypt `sus.` symbolically:
# Expand the key
xkeyFP = tuple(tuple(keyFP[i*3+j] for j in range(3)) for i in range(25*3))
exkeyFP = expand(exkeyFP)
# Perform encryption of `sus.` with symbolised key
m = byt_to_int(b'sus.')
m = up(int_to_tyt(m), W_SIZE ** 2, int_to_tyt(0)[0])[-1]
assert len(exkeyFP) == KEYLEN
ctt = add(m, exkeyFP[0])
for r in range(1, len(exkeyFP) - 1):
ctt = sub(ctt)
ctt = shift(ctt)
ctt = mix(ctt)
ctt = add(ctt, exkeyFP[r])
ctt = sub(ctt)
ctt = shift(ctt)
ctt = add(ctt, exkeyFP[-1])
What's left is to form the system of linear equations and solve:
mat = []
const = []
for x in ctt:
for y in x:
s = vector([0]*75*3)
c = 0
for i,j in y.dict().items():
if sum(i) == 0:
c += j
s += vector(i)*j
mat = Matrix(F, mat)
rhs = int_to_tyt(byt_to_int(b'\x06\x0f"\x02\x8e\xd1'))
rhs = vector(F, [i for j in rhs for i in j])
rhs -= vector(F, const)
key_rec = mat.solve_right(rhs)
key_rec = tuple(tuple(key_rec[3*i+j] for j in range(3)) for i in range(75))
# ((2, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 2),
# (1, 0, 0), (2, 2, 0), (2, 2, 1),
# (0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 2), (0, 2, 0),
# (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
# (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
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You might notice that while we have `3*75` variables, we only have `3*9` equations. This means that there are many many many keys that give the same plaintext and ciphertext pair, and this method can solve for all of them.
Eitherways, now that we have the key, we can finally decrypt our flag:
# Modify d_a3s to use key in tyt form
def d_a3s(ctt, key):
c = byt_to_int(ctt)
c = up(int_to_tyt(c), W_SIZE ** 2, int_to_tyt(0)[0])[-1] # Fixed block size
keys = expand(key)[::-1] # tryte array
assert len(keys) == KEYLEN
msg = c
msg = T_uxor(msg, keys[0])
for r in range(1, len(keys) - 1):
msg = tuple([msg[i] for i in UN_SHIFT_ROWS]) # UN SHIFT...
msg = u_sub_wrd(msg) # UN SUB...
msg = T_uxor(msg, keys[r]) # UN ADD...
msg = mix_columns(msg, I_CONS) # UN MIX!
msg = tuple([msg[i] for i in UN_SHIFT_ROWS])
msg = u_sub_wrd(msg)
msg = T_uxor(msg, keys[-1]) # last key
msg = tyt_to_int(msg)
return int_to_byt(msg)
flag_enc = b'\x01\x00\xc9\xe9m=\r\x07x\x04\xab\xd3]\xd3\xcd\x1a\x8e\xaa\x87;<\xf1[\xb8\xe0%\xec\xdb*D\xeb\x10\t\xa0\xb9.\x1az\xf0%\xdc\x16z\x12$0\x17\x8d1'
out = []
for i in chunk(flag_enc):
out.append(d_a3s(i, key_rec))
print("Flag:", unchunk(out).decode())
# Flag: rarctf{wh3n_sb0x_1s_4_5u55y_baka_02bdeff124}
Full solve scripts can be found in the [./sol](./sol) folder.