Tags: network portknocking
Rating: 5.0
We recently found a private SSH key that will allow us to login in the attached machine.
However, we can't seem to be able to login through SSH.
Can you help us out?
No brute force is required.
.ova and id_rsa.key files are available for download.
TLDR register ova on VB scan for open ports login by ftp (knocking for ssh) nc on 7000,8000,9000 ports generate pub.key from priv.key from description login by username from public key
After downloading a registering .ova on virtualbox I have tried some default login/password but none of known works.
I belive that we have to connect to Virtual Machine by network so lets create a NAT network with DHCP Server on virtual box
so the address of VM is now and we can scan some ports. Result of nmap is open 21/FTP port. After connection we can download a flag file but it is fake flag.
Taking hint into consideration we can perform knocking by:
nc -v 7000
nc -v 8000
nc-v 9000
After that additional scanning shows 22/ssh open port so that was a port-knocking.
We have a key so I have unsuccesfully tried to login by
ssh -i key_from_desc
but it doesnt work. My thought was to retrive some public key from private by command
ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
and that works
ssh-rsa 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 ctf@knockknock
now we have an username so ssh -i key_from_desc ctf@ works, flag is in / directory.