Tags: z3 reversing 


# find_plut0 Writeup

### InCTF 2021 - Reversing 100 - 116 solves

> Find pluto , and get your Reward !!
> [chall](./chall)

#### Encryption logic

# input : char array
# output: char array
# temp : dword array
target = "inctf{U_Sur3_m4Te?}"
output = [None] * 19

temp = [None] * 22
temp[0] = input[0] - 50 + input[1]
temp[1] = input[1] - 100 + input[2]
temp[2] = 4 * input[2]
temp[3] = input[3] ^ 0x46
temp[4] = 36 - (input[3] - input[4])
temp[6] = (input[6] * input[5] + 99)
temp[7] = (input[6] ^ input[7])
temp[8] = (input[7] + 45) ^ input[8]
temp[9] = (input[9] & 0x37) - 3
temp[11] = input[11] - 38
temp[12] = 4 * ((input[12] ^ input[6]) + 4)
temp[5] = (input[21] - input[4]) ^ 0x30
temp[13] = input[13] - input[14] - 1
temp[10] = input[17] - input[16] + 82
temp[16] = 6 * (input[18] ^ input[19]) + 54
temp[17] = input[21] + 49 + (input[20] ^ 0x73)
temp[14] = input[22]
temp[18] = input[23] ^ 0x42
temp[15] = input[26] + 5
temp[19] = input[25] - input[26] / 2 - 55
temp[20] = 4 * input[27] - (input[28] + 128)
temp[21] = input[29] - 32

output[0] = (temp[0] ^ 2) - 31
output[1] = ((temp[1] % 2) ^ temp[0]) - 29
output[2] = (4 * temp[1]) ^ 0x97
output[3] = temp[2] ^ 0xA0
output[4] = (temp[3] ^ 0x4D) + 7
output[5] = 4 * temp[5] - 1
output[3] = temp[4] + 116
output[6] = temp[6] + 21
output[7] = temp[7] - 20
output[8] = temp[8] ^ 0x63
output[9] = (temp[10] ^ 3) - temp[8] + 54
output[10] = temp[9] ^ 0x42
output[11] = temp[11] + 51
output[11] = temp[12] ^ 0xB3
output[12] = (temp[13] + 18) ^ 0x1A
output[13] = temp[14] - 7
output[14] = temp[15] - 37
output[15] = temp[17] ^ 0xE5
output[16] = (temp[18] & 0x36) + 53
output[14] = temp[19] ^ 0x34
output[17] = temp[20] ^ 0xFD
output[18] = (temp[20] >> temp[21]) ^ 0x1C

assert output == target

#### Exploit

Upper logic seems to be invertible. z3! Please help me out :D. One thing we need to take care about: `output` is char array but `temp` array is DWORD array. Must apply `0xFF` bitmask when storing values from the results of processing data from `temp` to `output`.

I get flag:


Exploit code: [solve.py](solve.py)

Original writeup (https://github.com/pcw109550/write-up/tree/master/2021/InCTF/find_plut0).