Tags: misc 


[link to original writeup](https://github.com/babaiserror/ctf/blob/main/%5B210813-16%5D%20ReallyAwesomeCTF%202021/README.md#missing-tools-miscellaneous-250-pts)

After ssh'ing in with the given credentials, we get a restricted shell. Let's try some commands.
baba@baba:~$ ssh -p 42380 [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Linux restricted shell
$ cat
This command has been disabled by your administrator.
$ ls
This command has been disabled by your administrator.
$ vi
This command has been disabled by your administrator.
$ pwd
$ echo

$ cd
$ .
.: Needs 1 argument

`.` is also equivalently `source` command, which reads a file and executes commands within that file. While we don't have `ls`, `echo *` will do the same thing.

$ echo *
$ . flag.txt
.: ractf{std0ut_1s_0v3rr4ted_spl1t_sha}: No such file or directory