Tags: c++ rev 


# zoom_zoom_vision - corCTF2021

- Category: Reverse
- Points: 482
- Solves: 40
- Solved by: drw0if

## Description

Something is wrong, I'm losing my vision. Please help me recover my vision.

## Solution

We are given a windows executable, using strings we can guess it is compiled from C++ since we can see strings like:
bad allocation
Unknown exception
bad array new length
string too long
bad cast

Reversing C++ with Ghidra is almost always painful, so let's execute it first:
> .\zoom_zoom_vision.exe
Enter serial: 123
784 800 816
Try again, son!

It takes our characters and give us back some kind of encrypted sequence. Let's try again:
> .\zoom_zoom_vision.exe
Enter serial: aaa
1552 1552 1552
Try again, son!

So it seems that it is just a substitution. Looking more at the strings inside the binary we can spot another useful sequence:
1584 1776 1824 1584 1856 1632 1968 1664 768 1728 784 784 784 784 784 1520 1840 1664 784 784 784 784 784 784 816 816 816 816 816 816 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1520 784 1856 1952 1520 1584 688 688 528 2000

We can make a map of each character simply running the program with the characters we want to translate and parsing the output, than we can use a reverse lookup table to decode the string.

And we got the flag!


Original writeup (https://github.com/r00tstici/writeups/tree/master/corCTF_2021/zoom_zoom_vision).