# OpenSource Lover
- This one was "hard", i managed to solve the second one before the first one and didnt manage to solve the first one so here goes
- We have this image

- Looking at it you can see `berserk0x00`, looking that up on the search engines won't get you much
- So instead go to the social media websites with something like this `https://instagram.com/USERNAME`, this gets us the profile we need which is
- Looking around, we can see a post with `0xguts` and he is an opensource lover, put 2 together and go to github with the same technique
- Again look around on his profile we can see `underworld`, which has `10 commits`, look through them and we are able to find the email
- Google `public key server` and we get this `https://keyserver.ubuntu.com`
- Enter in the email and we get the flag along with his pgp key
# Flag - wormcon{Y0u_kn0w_th3_s4uc3_w1d31r1}