Rating: 4.0

# Spy Agent

## Problem

Think like a spy!

## Solution

We are given a website, in the source of the page `/about.html` we can find hidden base64-encoded string: `aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUTVaR1dMNWEjcW04Y20tV2ZVVVZMbGUyaTA2ZVJITkc0eFRwNjlRY0tJV0JaUmtGSFktVQ==`.

Upon decoding, we get an URL:

$ echo aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUTVaR1dMNWEjcW04Y20tV2ZVVVZMbGUyaTA2ZVJITkc0eFRwNjlRY0tJV0JaUmtGSFktVQ== | base64 -d

Uploaded to `mega.nz` is this [file](files/spy-agent.tgz). Running `binwalk` or `foremost` on it, reveals that it has a PDF hidden inside:

![Hidden PDF](files/spy-agent-1.png)

There's a code hidden behind an image on this page:

![PDF code](files/spy-agent-2.jpg)

It's a `hexahue cipher`. We can decode it using this tool: `https://www.dcode.fr/hexahue-cipher`, which gives us this string: `14mp455w0rd`.

Going back to the original file, we pass it to `steghide` with a password we've recovered earlier:

$ steghide extract -sf imitation-game.jpg -p 14mp455w0rd
wrote extracted data to "flag.txt".

Flag is inside `flag.txt`.

## TL;DR

- Ucucuga
- Classic ciphers

Original writeup (https://github.com/EvilBunnyWrote/Write-ups/blob/main/TMUCTF-2021/misc/Spy-Agent.md).