Tags: knapsack pohlig-hellman crypto lll curves 


# [DUCTF 2021] yadlp

## tl;dr

Solve the discrete log problem on a funny looking group described by points on a hyperbolic
curve, then solve the modular knapsack problem for the flag.

## Description

crypto/yadlp; 14 solves, 494 points

Challenge author: `joseph#8210`

Yet another discrete logarithm problem challenge...


## Solving the problem

I started by looking at the files, and saw some familiar looking group operations
that looked like elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC).

def G_add(A, B):
print(A, B)
x1, y1 = A
x2, y2 = B
return ((x1*x2 + D*y1*y2) % p, (x1*y2 + x2*y1 + 2*y1*y2) % p)

def G_mul(A, k):
out = (1, 0)
while k > 0:
if k & 1:
out = G_add(out, A)
A = G_add(A, A)
k >>= 1
return out

def get_elem(x):
d = x**2 * (D + 1) - D
if (x & 1 == d & 1) and kronecker(d, p) == 1:
y = (x + sqrt(Zmod(p)(d))) * inverse_mod(D, p) % p
return (x, y)
return -1

The flag was encoded by splitting the 48 byte input into 6 segments of 8 bytes long, and
summed them together with the group operation.
We need to first solve the discrete log problem to recover the coefficients of the summands,
then somehow recover the summands.

FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'rb').read().strip()
assert len(FLAG) % 8 == 0
M = [int.from_bytes(FLAG[i:i+8], 'big') for i in range(0, len(FLAG), 8)]
print(f'{FLAG = }')
print(f'{M = }')

G = [rand_element() for _ in M]
c = (1, 0)
for m, gi in zip(M, G):
c = G_add(c, G_mul(gi, m))

### Solving the discrete log problem

I thought it was ECC but on closer inspection, the `get_element` function looks a little funny.
The equation suggests that we're working with some curve where $$y$$ satisfies
the equation (over $$\mathbb{Z}_p$$):

$$y =\frac{1}{D}(x + \sqrt{(D+1)x^2 - D})$$

Simplifying and rearanging we get

$$Dy^2 - 2xy -x^2 + 1 = 0$$

This is not an elliptic curve, this is a hyperbola! I had no idea that you could define
a group structure over hyperbolas of this form, so as a sanity check, I
wrote a short function to check that all operations done in the encoding were on the curve.

def on_curve(A):
x, y = A
return (y*y*D -x*x - 2*x*y + 1)%p ==0

Furthermore, $$(1, 0)$$ seemed to be the identity element.
All the points were on the curve so all signs pointed towards this being some funny
group operation.
Since this challenge was called yadlp, I assumed we needed to take discrete logs
in this group. Hopefully the group order would be relatively nice to take discrete logs.
However I had no idea what the order of group even was!

I couldn't get much further from staring at this curve and group law, so I
started putting search terms in google like "hyperbolic curve encryption".
After some digging around I found [this obscure paper](https://doi.org/10.2991/icmt-13.2013.26)
where they propose a cryptosystem based on Pell's equations ($$x^2 - Dy^2 = 1$$) with a
very similar looking group addition operation to what was in the code.

Notably, they claim that if $$p\equiv 3\pmod 4$$, then the group order would be $$p+1$$,
which our prime is. I verified quickly that $$(p+1)G = (1,0)$$ for any group element $$G$$
I tested, so I could reasonably believe that this was the group order.

Throwing $$p+1$$ into factordb gave a very nice looking factorization with small primes.
(I learned afterwards this is called a smooth number, specifically a $$2^{32}$$-smooth number.)

$$\begin{align*} p+1
= 2^4 &\cdot 3^3 \cdot 3271 \cdot 18119 \cdot 23857 \cdot 35923 \cdot 1505323 \cdot 3036643 \cdot 3878597 \cdot 7306661 \cdot 661850419
\\ & \;\cdot 696183413 \cdot 737026033 \cdot 748888849 \cdot 764475661 \cdot 790916521 \cdot 1000657271
\\ & \;\cdot 1016247923 \cdot 1213865039 \cdot 2090081803 \cdot 3882107087 \cdot 4012893277
\end{align*} $$

Now we can solve the discrete log problem with [Pohlig-Hellman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pohlig%E2%80%93Hellman_algorithm) in time proportional to square root of the largest factor of $$p+1$$.
We need a basepoint, but we can just pick a random point (which is already in the code) and
hope that it generates the group (it will likely be the case, we can restart if we fail).
Fortunately Sagemath had a generic version of discrete_log that implemented this, all we needed
was to pass in:

1. The group operation - `G_add`
2. The identity element - $$(1, 0)$$
3. The inverse function - `lambda x: G_mul(p, x)`

Unfortunately, somebody changed the sage library function at some point and made it not so
generic. Took me a while to figure out why I kept getting python errors until I looked at
the source code and realized it didn't even try to use the operations I passed in and instead
tried to use the `**` operation (I should submit a ticket and maybe try to submit a fix).
Instead I searched elsewhere for a discrete_log method.
I went and modified the commented out `old_discrete_log` method I found in [a super outdated version of the sage library](https://github.com/sagemath/sagelib/blob/master/sage/groups/generic.py) that
I stumbled across on Google. It worked!

### Solving the Modular Knapsack Problem
Now we're still not done yet, we had to solve the following problem (which I learned afterwards was called the Modular Knapsack Problem) where $$a, b, ..., e$$ were known, and $$x_0, ... x_5$$ were
numbers that were at most $$2^{64}$$ (pretty small compared to $$p$$).

$$ a x_0 + b x_1 + c x_2 + d x_3 + e x_4 + f x_5 \equiv e \pmod{p+1} $$

At first I thought you could choose a new generator to get a system of equations with different
coefficients and use Gaussian elimination, but after implementing that I realized I was dumb.
Choosing a new generator would just multiply all the coefficients by a constant factor.

It was back to the drawing board for me
until Robert suggested to "use lattices" and had some code handy
that conveniently solved this exact problem

(I really should learn how [LLL reduction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenstra%E2%80%93Lenstra%E2%80%93Lov%C3%A1sz_lattice_basis_reduction_algorithm) works at some point by trying to code it myself)

It worked perfectly and spat out the flag!


Complete sage solve script:

import solvelinmod

def G_add(A, B):
x1, y1 = A
x2, y2 = B
return ((x1*x2 + D*y1*y2) % p, (x1*y2 + x2*y1 + 2*y1*y2) % p)

def G_mul(A, k):
out = (1, 0)
while k > 0:
if k & 1:
out = G_add(out, A)
A = G_add(A, A)
k >>= 1
return out

def get_elem(x):
d = x**2 * (D + 1) - D
if (x & 1 == d & 1) and kronecker(d, p) == 1:
y = (x + sqrt(Zmod(p)(d))) * inverse_mod(D, p) % p
return (x, y)
return -1

def rand_element():
while True:
x = randint(1, p-1)
d = x**2 * (D + 1) - D
if (x & 1 == d & 1) and kronecker(d, p) == 1:
y = (x + sqrt(Zmod(p)(d))) * inverse_mod(D, p) % p
return (x, y)

def on_curve(A):
x, y = A
return (y*y*D -x*x - 2*x*y + 1)%p ==0

def inverse(A):
return G_mul(A,order-1)

D = 13337
p = 17568142778435152362975498611159042138909402642078949814477371651322179417849164549408357464774644525711780515232117470272550677945089719112177956836141583
G = [(8249149405495350491346934933585109414510787432598250096114687570379053133508711862485128035174547571919256235441699899388417666835599315963507480727674285, 10151966144947987666795899106244951506314545969111450078363915090201899029695981970354886015549281568762501638756950135017679627954071369058817947706039379), (10148658254415475588279956574772196898575718154643967163626694400363009168529645860280959810873028393970853643723425023678857408220330929116526467295542507, 3332426625916817700349475905733631656792492189677766534230576987725484499618918928882667666640821403823057239790395654518704427126712280655564669757208129), (1839326681086939925214853980855626023120414606039474419455499625885357274275815189399880356995376514021329118829062071144818562457268892324773839713533977, 17502649671831125396398431215302241914145169143474764941575812028922929277656849105757332346628455059539582448544435155655055157181361580680672298566085040), (3165955958968203879237344349962533642598441044481692770147807839372942715856047580766073222297692574025922260374409920417665600069665162502514403188432579, 9382092026348588885644924948782239369051861025018411316856012639637274661831713783735305424388410778778529413114167923397187236739639802371814632949741663), (8500294063291124527108623281980255870507549734362604259645984044370658620385351338711051998886026260657132944353675335178871934798200163035190278483491633, 7641198814027309580920446604109217188703337221305342467525089149977505415741300885194767452232679123441594451455097533000754553745051816419202345186703390), (12352685673550986453697035560006632628194788902921398545668828437339873544223895997440585227838919968929669738393535610103382084842900404005432007637193943, 2453949984320580417885537763124479618094084392655766673219227195157341323190069350175423869908524758510177197973709821798974003013596311361995273762475822)]
c = (5388567167658786935158413401674168420144429277172064721472662913563775670320298461949979362402157764272762755236320989018989446360740720072488623102776015, 7420389277336940268114831002964626027945367662485419944369852006741899961686908509331719915794976159062761271182318814519641566938538911041229521838799714)

order = p+1

factors = [2**4 , 3**3 , 3271 , 18119 , 23857 , 35923 , 1505323 , 3036643 , 3878597 , 7306661 , 661850419 , 696183413 , 737026033 , 748888849 , 764475661 , 790916521 , 1000657271 , 1016247923 , 1213865039 , 2090081803 , 3882107087 , 4012893277]
assert(prod(factors) == order)

zero = (1,0)

multiplication_names = ( 'multiplication', 'times', 'product', '*')
addition_names = ( 'addition', 'plus', 'sum', '+')
def old_discrete_log(a, base, ord=None, operation='*',
identity=None, inverse=None, op=None):
b = base

from operator import inv, mul, neg, add
Z = Integers()

if operation in multiplication_names:
identity = b.parent()(1)
inverse = inv
op = mul
if ord==None:
ord = b.multiplicative_order()
elif operation in addition_names:
identity = b.parent()(0)
inverse = neg
op = add
if ord==None:
ord = b.order()
if ord==None or identity==None or inverse==None or op==None:
print(ord, identity, inverse, op)

if ord < 100:
c = identity
for i in range(ord):
if c == a: # is b^i
return Z(i)
c = op(c,b)

m = ord.isqrt()+1 # we need sqrt(ord) rounded up
table = dict() # will hold pairs (b^j,j) for j in range(m)
g = identity # will run through b**j
for j in range(m):
if a==g:
return Z(j)
table[g] = j
g = op(g,b)

g = inverse(g) # this is now b**(-m)
h = op(a,g) # will run through a*g**i = a*b**(-i*m)
for i in range(1,m):
j = table.get(h)
if not j==None: # then a*b**(-i*m) == b**j
return Z(i*m + j)
if i < m-1:
h = op(h,g)

def d_log(q):
print("dlogging: ", q)
dlogs = []
for f in factors:
t = order//f
qt = G_mul(q,t)
gent = G_mul(gen, t)
dlog = old_discrete_log(qt, gent, ord=f, operation='NONE',
op=G_add, identity=zero, inverse=inverse)
if None in dlogs:
raise ValueError("oh no")
l = CRT_list(dlogs, factors)
return l

# This one worked
gen = (1306220711535023766817529329601851834684473168538006969205607217300581985606511824830746054324343087425816093230309507256982431519166958670991896717613121, 2753498082952557748021507097242652783238834762442333661230349459126933713491167991334695072154480164453278454296466352910947274843516626885289923809047182)
ords = [d_log(g) for g in G]
ordc = d_log(c)

x0 = var('x0')
x1 = var('x1')
x2 = var('x2')
x3 = var('x3')
x4 = var('x4')
x5 = var('x5')
eq = (ords[0]*x0 + ords[1]*x1 + ords[2]*x2 + ords[3]*x3 + ords[4]*x4 + ords[5]*x5 == ordc)
bounds = {x0: 2**64, x1: 2**64, x2: 2**64, x3: 2**64, x4: 2**64, x5: 2**64}

sol = solvelinmod.solve_linear_mod([(eq, order)], bounds)
print(f'{sol = }')
flag = b""
for key in sol:
flag+=int(sol[key]).to_bytes(8, byteorder='big')

Original writeup (https://davidzheng.web.illinois.edu/2021/09/27/ductf-yadlp.html).