Tags: warmup 



# Bass64
### easy | warmups | 50 points

## Challenge Information
Woah! It's a natural disaster! But something doesn't seem so natural about this big wave...

## Solution

The challenge included a text file, which at first looked like absolute gibberish


After being stuck at this stage for quite a bit, I realized word wrap may have been on. Once that option was unchecked, things made a lot more sense!


Seeing the `=` in the end, this is definitiely base64 encoded text. So all that was left to do was figure out the letters and decode the text using a base64 decoder.

This took a little while, as some digits were a bit tough to figure out. However, once that was fixed, decoding the text returned the flag for the challenge!


Flag: `flag{07cfdc16935bcdd93f14a70f1cb19951}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/piyagehi/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/2021-HacktivityCon-CTF/04-Bass64.md).