
# Testudo's Pizza | Steganography

### Solution

From ctf we have got image called hiddenmsg.jpg

To solve this, all you have to do was to open a file with text editor
$ strings hiddenmsg.jpg
[lots of junk]

This command gave me a lot of binary garbage but at the end of file was flag in plaintext.

### Flag


#### Credits

- Writeup by [HuntClauss](https://ctftime.org/user/106464)
- Solved by [HuntClauss](https://ctftime.org/user/106464)
- WaletSec 2021

#### License

**CC BY 4.0** WaletSec + HuntClauss

Original writeup (https://github.com/HuntClauss/Writeups/blob/main/umdctf/testuado-pizza.md).