
# Countdown Timer | Web

### Solution

From ctf we have got url to website.

After entering the website we can see description how countdown timer works and how to get flag.

> Flag will be displayed after countdown reaches 0. We can specify how long countdown will be, but minimal allowed value is 100 days. (obviously this is too long)

There were no requests in the browser networking tab after count down started, so I assume timer is running locally with JS.

var time = 100000;
var minTime = 100;
var daysInput = document.getElementById("countdownDays");
var counter;
document.getElementById("startButton").onclick = function () {
document.getElementById("minTimeHeader").innerHTML = "Minimum Time: " + minTime + " days";

daysInput.min = minTime;

function startCountDown() {
if (daysInput.value < minTime) {
daysInput.value = minTime;
time = daysInput.value * 24 * 60 * 60;
counter = setInterval(countdown, 1000);

function countdown() {
time -= 1;
if (time <= 0) {
var numdays = Math.floor(time / 86400);
var numhours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
var numminutes = Math.floor(((time % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
var numseconds = ((time % 86400) % 3600) % 60;
document.getElementById("remainingTime").innerHTML = numdays + " Days " + numhours + " Hours " + numminutes + " Minutes " + numseconds + " Seconds";

//This is not part of the intended solve path, ignore this
function getFlag() {
var _0x2636 = ['atob', '5117oZMdEn', 'then', 'VjIxak9WQlJQVDA9', 'Time\x20is\x20up!\x20Flag:\x20', 'text', '2myDwax', '80990TIAiao', '159475uJlWpn', '486144SCONMd', '1ZGbuyJ', '70599pvkkee', 'getElementById', '39313hGSvrt', 'remainingTime', '2ryZPVf', '1AonKEy', '133880SpkfyF'];

function _0x91fe(_0x432e25, _0x1d1f40) {
_0x432e25 = _0x432e25 - 0x199;
var _0x26367c = _0x2636[_0x432e25];
return _0x26367c;

var _0x54df47 = _0x91fe;
(function (_0x5ee5d0, _0x1eb0fc) {
var _0x3fc014 = _0x91fe;
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x1bb0d9 = parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x1a9)) + parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x19d)) * parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x19b)) + parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x1a6)) + parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x19f)) * -parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x19c)) + -parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x1a8)) * -parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x1a5)) + -parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x199)) * -parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x1a4)) + -parseInt(_0x3fc014(0x1a7));
if (_0x1bb0d9 === _0x1eb0fc) break; else _0x5ee5d0['push'](_0x5ee5d0['shift']());
} catch (_0x27a98) {
}(_0x2636, 0x2892d), fetch('/' + window['atob'](window[_0x54df47(0x19e)](window[_0x54df47(0x19e)](window['atob'](window['btoa'](window['atob'](_0x54df47(0x1a1))))))))[_0x54df47(0x1a0)](_0x192f21 => _0x192f21[_0x54df47(0x1a3)]())['then'](_0x1b849e => {
var _0xbb5c79 = _0x54df47;
time <= 0x0 && (document[_0xbb5c79(0x1aa)](_0xbb5c79(0x19a))['innerHTML'] = _0xbb5c79(0x1a2) + _0x1b849e);

After quick look into code we can see function called **getFLag()** but comment above suggest is not intended solution. (and function is obfuscated, so maybe search some simpler way)

In my opinion best approach was to find where function **getFlag()** was called. My attention focused on **countdown()** function, and to be more precise on **if** statement. To get flag variable *time* must reach 0, so in browser console I typed `time = 0` and that's all.

### Flag


#### Credits

- Writeup by [HuntClauss](https://ctftime.org/user/106464)
- Solved by [HuntClauss](https://ctftime.org/user/106464)
- WaletSec 2021

#### License

**CC BY 4.0** WaletSec + HuntClauss

Original writeup (https://github.com/HuntClauss/Writeups/blob/main/bcactf/countdown-timer.md).