Rating: 4.5

This was the image we were given


> Where was this photo taken from?
Answer `DO{...} (2 words)`

A couple of things to note:


1. The Box itself in this context looked like to me to be somewhat too big to be an electrical facility and looked more like an over-engineered subway vent. But what it really is doesn't really matter as much, but it would be more likely to fit in a larger city, than a smaller village.
2. The Wall in the background is rather long, probably very old and maybe somewhat famous.
3. The Street lamp Design is rather distinct, so one might be able to discern if you are in the right area rather quickly.
4. A bit meta, but the rest of the tasks so far was situated in Tokyo, so maybe this one is there too.

After some quick attempts to reverse image search of the box, i went with trying to find the stone wall, assuming it was in tokyo.


Some of these images have stone walls that resemble the one in the picture a lot, so now to check out Edo Castle / Imperial Gardens in street view.

Placing yourself anywhere on the roads just outside the castle and gardens you will see this.


So now it was just about finding out on which side of the castle the image was taken.
And some minutes later you will find **Chidorigafuchi Park** Which has several of these boxes and the correct one was photographed outside of the **British Embassy** in Tokyo


Flag `DO{British_Embassy}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/Bibben/digitaloverdose/blob/main/OSINT/mysterybox.md).