Rating: 3.0

So, this was an interesting Reverse Engineering challenge. After downloading the [binary](https://github.com/0xSh4dy/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/deadfaceCTF/cerealKiller3/cerealKiller3), I used Ghidra to analyze it.

So, we can see that the function FUN_000110e0("notflag{you-guessed-it-again--this-is-not-the-flag}") is called if the user input is wrong. Else, FUN_000110e0(local_268) is called which would give you some key or let's say a passcode.

After that, I checked if there is some binary mitigation or security mechanism.

checksec cerealKiller3

Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled


So, it is clear that PIE is enabled. Again, I used Ghidra to calculate the base address of the PIE enabled binary.

It is clear that the base address in this case is 0x10000.

Then, I wrote down the address of the instructions where FUN_000110e0(local_268) and FUN_000110e0("notflag{you-guessed-it-again--this-is-not-the-flag}") are called.
This can be easily done using Ghidra.

For FUN_000110e0(local_268):
000115b1 e8 2a fb CALL FUN_000110e0
ff ff

For FUN_000110e0("notflag{you-guessed-it-again--this-is-not-the-flag}"):

000115c4 e8 17 fb CALL FUN_000110e0
ff ff

Now, everything is easy if you use [Angr](https://github.com/angr/angr) , a powerful binary analysis framework. We just need to explore through the binary until we reach the address 0x000115b1 as the call instruction right here would only be called if the user provides correct input. Also, we need to avoid the address 0x000115c4 beacuse the instruction right here would be executed if the user input is wrong.

So, a simple Angr script can do the job of finding the correct input.

import angr
import logging
target = angr.Project('./cerealKiller3',main_opts={'base_addr':0x10000})
logging.getLogger('angr').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) #To remove the unwanted logs on the terminal
entry_state = target.factory.entry_state()
simulation = target.factory.simulation_manager(entry_state)
solution = simulation.found[0].posix.dumps(0)

Running the above script,we get the output

So, B00-Boo-Boo-B33ry! is the correct input.

Original writeup (https://github.com/0xSh4dy/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/deadfaceCTF/cerealKiller3).