
Based on the javascript code provided from cryptii.com (https://github.com/cryptii/cryptii/blob/b8f964f926a1a03af016dc8e591811a5c57a6830/src/Encoder/Enigma.js) for Enigma encoding, we can automate the script to bruteforce the missing parameters for model G312/G260 until we get an output with 'flag{' starting string (include foreign characters to include {}! in the output). The setting found is model G312 UKW / 4-D / 1A ,III / 1-A / 12-L, I / 26-Z / 15-O, II/ 5-E / 20-T and the output is flag{the-only-good-nazi-zombie-is-a-dead-dead-nazi-zombie!}