
# Release the Crackin'!
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## Details

>Luciafer cracked a password belonging to the victim. Submit the flag as: `flag{password}`.
> Use the PCAP from LYTTON LABS 01 - Monstrum ex Machina.

First we filter the packet list to show FTP related packets


Scrolling through the packets we notice several login attempts agains a user `cgeschickter` with mulitple passwoprd attempts.


Further down the list, we can see that one is successful!


Therfore the flag is;

## flag{darkangel}

Original writeup (https://github.com/CTSecUK/DEADFACE_CTF_2021/blob/main/Write-ups/Traffic%20Analysis/Release%20the%20Crackin'!%20(50%20Points).md).