
# He Thrusts His Fists Against the Post

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## Details


> {ea-vetgaytereoreh-na}fan--wshbestpasslds-s-hm

Looking at the string in the description, it looks like it has standard alphabet characters and even the {} curly braces for the flag, but they aren't in the right place.

This makes me thing the string has been encoded using a transposition cipher.?!

The name of the challenge along with the picture in the challenge details further points me towards a **"Rail Fence Cipher"** (a type of transposition cipher).

Using our old friend [CyberChef](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Rail_Fence_Cipher_Decode(4,74)&input=e2VhLXZldGdheXRlcmVvcmVoLW5hfWZhbi0td3NoYmVzdHBhc3NsZHMtcy1obQ) and with a bit of expirementation to find the correct Key and Offset, we find our flag;


## flag{and-yet-swears-he-observes-the-phantasms}

Original writeup (https://github.com/CTSecUK/DEADFACE_CTF_2021/blob/main/Write-ups/Cryptography/He%20Thrusts%20His%20Fists%20Against%20the%20Post%20(100%20Points).md).