Tags: steganography syncopatedbeat deadfacectf 


We know there's a hidden message somewhere here, but none of our steg tools are able to reveal it. Maybe we need to think outside the box?

It is a well-known fact that demons sometimes hide messages in music. Demons speak lyrics to the musicians, and the demons insinuate their evil messages into the song.

Find the flag and enter it like this (all caps, dashes separating words): flag{SYNCOPATED-BEATS-ARE-EVIL}

solution :

1- downlaod the file mp4 file

2- convert mp4 to wav using online site **https://cloudconvert.com/**

3- open the new wav file using sonic visualizer

4- i saw in time **2:03** starts weird speech i try to add spectogram layer or wave form but noting here

5- i think its reverse speech so i revers it using online site **https://mp3cut.net/reverse-audio**

6- listen to the wav file it says (**time is Reversible but the music is not go back go back ! , but before you do dont forget to enter the flag which is electric light orcestra all caps seperated by dashes**)

so flag is : ** flag{electric-light-orcestra}**