Tags: crypto
Rating: 5.0
# ASIS CTF 2021 - DamaS writeup
## tl;dr
Use Boneh-Durfee with m=12 and delta=0.28 to recover the secret key (despite nothing in the chall indicating that is the right way to go)
## code
``` python
def rand_poly(n, N):
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N))
f = R(0)
for i in range(n):
f += randint(1, n-1) * x ** i
return f
def keygen(nbit, l):
p, q = [random_prime(2**nbit - 1) for _ in '01']
e, N = randint(2, p * q - 1), p * q
Zn = Zmod(N)
f, A = rand_poly(l, N), random_matrix(Zn, l)
B = f(A)
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = inverse_mod(e, phi)
if e * d % phi == 1:
Q = B ** d
pubkey = (e, N, Q, B)
return pubkey
def encrypt(msg, pubkey):
e, N, Q, B = pubkey
l = Q.nrows()
r = randint(2, N - 1)
R, S = Q ** r, B ** r
assert bytes_to_long(msg) < N
c = pow(bytes_to_long(msg), e, N)
C = [_ for _ in long_to_bytes(c)]
CM = matrix(Zmod(N), [[pow(C[l*i + j], e, N) for j in range(l)] for i in range(l)])
ENC = (CM * R, S)
return ENC
nbit, l = 484, 11
pubkey = keygen(nbit, l)
ENC = encrypt(flag, pubkey)
print(f'pubkey = {pubkey}')
print(f'ENC = {ENC}')
## Solution
We are given public-key parameters "N" and "e" as in regular RSA and two matrices "B" and "Q". Each matrix's row contains coefficients of a random polynomial mod N. After the CTF ended, the chall's author revealed that this cryptosystem is based on [this paper](https://dpublication.com/journal/EJEST/article/view/157/130).
There are public-key algorithms based on a matrix similar to this one but defined over mod p with "p" prime. We've found little to nothing on the topic in the first hours after the chall's release.
After some time, we noticed that the public exponent's length was close to N. In some RSA challs this meant that the secret key was intentionally made short so it could be recovered using [Weiner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiener%27s_Attack) or [Boneh-Durfee](https://cryptohack.gitbook.io/cryptobook/untitled/low-private-component-attacks/boneh-durfee-attack) attacks. Since the public key was randomly chosen (according to the key generation algorithm), the probability of "d" being small was negligible, so none of the attacks would work.
Despite that, we gave it a try. Weiner's attack couldn't find any solution. Without knowing the size of the secret key we had to guess Boneh-Durfee's main parameters, "m" and "delta", until we found a solvable system. The code, based on [David Wong's implementation](https://github.com/mimoo/RSA-and-LLL-attacks/blob/master/boneh_durfee.sage) of the attack, took about 20 minutes to find the secret key. Then we were able to decrypt the flag.
def simpleBonehDurfee(e, N, delta=.18, m=4): # modified from https://github.com/mimoo/RSA-and-LLL-attacks/blob/master/boneh_durfee.sage
t = int((1-2*delta) * m) # optimization from Herrmann and May
X = 2*floor(N^delta) # this _might_ be too much
Y = floor(N^(1/2)) # correct if p, q are ~ same size
# Problem put in equation
P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
A = int((N+1)/2)
pol = 1 + x * (A + y)
# Find the solutions!
# Checking bounds
if debug:
print("=== checking values ===")
print("* delta:", delta)
print("* delta < 0.292", delta < 0.292)
print("* size of e:", int(log(e)/log(2)))
print("* size of N:", int(log(N)/log(2)))
print("* m:", m, ", t:", t)
# boneh_durfee
if debug:
print("=== running algorithm ===")
start_time = time.time()
solx, soly = boneh_durfee(pol, e, m, t, X, Y)
# found a solution?
if solx > 0:
print("=== solution found ===")
if False:
print("x:", solx)
print("y:", soly)
d = int(pol(solx, soly) / e)
print("private key found:", d)
print("=== no solution was found ===")
N = 229390284327362543631665561538247955943148090861464626741869076801016755542189232243447878145301540155649892155496714591713267451549337065451608041169675633296363209537979285128757920653236098206767564349167459543243559294991799646959526281872382987894932951892563759168376575008335477035621
e = 164317532240415045202765124100454586391785201865316431289581518383413159130652307960709946708738537015272258748252057381718720993385777298921277253898971188100901630406599274662247377867031195839726642402978340331553176421498052361412931554817586093593349074448250972947033186911822384592457
delta = 0.28
#d = simpleBonehDurfee(e, N, delta, m)
d = 1839320038472006359578228121964872958248984913931534334417556559320978533688828921
def decrypt(ENC, N, privkey):
N = N
C0, S = ENC
T = matrix(Zmod(N) ,S) ** privkey
CM = matrix(Zmod(N), C0) * T ** (-1)
C = matrix(Zmod(N), [[pow(CM[i][j], privkey, N) for i in range(11)] for j in range(11)])
C = [C[i][j] for j in range(11) for i in range(11)]
enc = b''
for c in C:
enc += bytes([c])
msg = long_to_bytes(pow(bytes_to_long(enc), privkey, N))
return msg
print(decrypt(ENC, N, d))
## Final thoughts
That chall received a lot of valid criticism after the CTF ended, mainly because the only thing necessary to solve the chall (the private key's length) was "obscured" at best. I strongly believe that there would be a lot more solves if anything suggested that the private exponent was small or generated differently.